PURPOSE Sustainable use and conservation of marine and coastal resources
AIM Managing the development, sustainable use and orderly exploitation of marine and coastal resources Protecting the integrity and quality of marine and coastal ecosystems
STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMME MARINE & COASTAL MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF THE DDG D: AUTHORIS & W DISPOSAL M 1D SR 13;1OA SR06 CD: Research, Antarctica & Islands CD: Integrated Coastal Management CD: Resource Management CD: Monitoring, Control & Surveillance Office of the CFO
PROGRAMMES The programme has the following five sub- programmes: –Research, Antarctica and Islands –Resource Management –Integrated Coastal Management –Monitoring, Control and Surveillance –Office of the CFO
LEGISLATION Coastal Zone Management Bill MLRA review Money Bill
POLICIES Aquaculture Subsistence and Small-scale Fisheries Seals, Seabirds and Shorebirds BBWW & WSCD
RESEARCH, ANTARCTICA AND ISLANDS Research & monitoring plans for small-scale and subsistence fisheries Research information on potential new fisheries Economic/socio-economic recommendations – management Research into marine aquaculture Research into ecosystem approaches to fisheries Relief voyages to Antarctica and Islands
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Review of 17% of commercial sectors Development of policy on transfer of fishing rights Subsistence and small-scale fishing rights allocations Draft policy and management regime for recreational fisheries Management measure to rebuild depleted stocks
INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT Aquaculture Sector Development Plan Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods Strategy Research into economic opportunities in harbours MPA Management Plans First State of the Coast Report Draft NPOA: Land-based sources of pollution
MONITORING, CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE Land-based sectors fisheries specific monitoring and enforcements Ocean-based monitoring and enforcement-: VMS and EPVs Sector specific investigations of environmental crimes Strategy- monitoring & enforcement in coastal zone (4X4,MPAs, estuaries)
OFFICE OF THE CFO Financial and budget management and PFMA compliance Budget management on Oracle Phase 1 development of smart card system – Treasury approval Policies for MLRF asset management
OTHER Development of a cost recovery framework Benguela Current Commission NORSA alignment and engagements Development of a stakeholder engagement strategy Accelerated development of marine scientists
Demographics - Branch