AutoPalletP3 Explained An order picker’s guide for Pallet Picklist Planning Copyright © 2000
2 Why AutoPalletP3? These are fair questions! Let’s look at why we need AutoPalletP3, and what it really does.
4 Accuracy Picking the right product in the right quantity is essential.
5 Productivity There’s more to this than just picking faster. TOTAL COST Avoid: Un-needed work Rework Damage Mistakes
6 Quality DAMAGE The product inside The case itself
7 Damaged cases It is your responsibility to make sure the customer is not sent damaged product, and to build loads which will not result in damage during shipment.
8 Building a good safe stack Stacking cases is a bit like stacking people – the same ideas apply! Not only will a crushed case result in damaged contents, it has lost its stacking strength. It will allow the cases above it to fall during shipment, and those below it may be leaked on!
9 Transportation It may look fine when it leaves our dock What can happen to it while it’s in the truck? But 1000 miles of roads can make a lot of difference. And if the loads are not built correctly, the customer sees a very different load to the one we shipped.
10 Remember the rules So there are just a few things to remember as you pick orders…..
11 Remember the rules
12 Where does AutoPalletP3 fit in? AutoPalletP3 figures it all out for you, and tells you how to build the loads to get the best possible results.
13 Meet AutoPalletP3 AutoPalletP3 is an Expert System. Think of him (or is it her?) as an expert in the business of picking orders. We have trained AutoPalletP3 to plan orders by knowing everything about the product, where the pick locations are, and how we want the loads to be built.
14 How AutoPalletP3 Works AutoPalletP3 works by following a set of RULES. The same RULES the best orderpickers use. AutoPalletP3 also has a scoring system to decide which RULES are the most important, and how to get the best result for the total order.
15 What AutoPalletP3 provides AutoPalletP3 takes THIS…..and turns it into THESE….
16 What AutoPalletP3 provides So that instead of building THIS….you can build THESE
17 How does it do that?
18 How does it do that? AutoPalletP3 is in the Warehouse Management System computer Takes each complete order and converts it into Picklists Sends each Picklist to you one at a time, so that you can pick in the right order to build good pallet loads Uses all the data to plan the order - from case size and product family to product location
19 How does it do that? Uses more than 20 RULES to make decisions Uses a penalty scoring system for when 2 rules conflict May try up to 500 different solutions for an order till it gets the best result for the TOTAL order, not just one pallet We know that both Quality and Productivity are better when AutoPalletP3 is used
20 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules Plan the orders as a series of DOUBLE SETS, which when paired up correctly will fit in the truck in the least number of pallet spaces. The lower set MUST have a flat top, of a large enough area to rest the upper pallet on it without damage. There are height limits for each set.
21 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules Wherever possible, build in layers of even height, by combining products which have the same height cases. Use full product layers when available, and if more than one layers is needed of an SKU, start the pallet with that, which might give the picker the chance to use an existing part-load.
22 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules If an order asks for a quantity which is more than one layer, but not an exact layer quantity, keep it all on one pallet if possible. But if you cannot - because the lower set must have a flat top - then the odd cases MUST be on the same DOUBLE SET.
23 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules Minimize layer overhang. Undersize layers need to go ON TOP OF larger layers, not below them or product may be damaged. OK
24 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules When making up a layer from mixed cases, there is a minimum “coverage factor”. This would NOT be a good layer.
25 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules Minimize straddles - this is when a case rests on two cases of different heights. It may be better with odds at the top of an upper set to stack them on top of each other. OK
26 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules Do not make a mixed-case layer too large either - it must not overhang the pallet. However, a full layer of one sku MAY overhang the pallet if this is its normal pattern. OK
27 Just a few of AutoPalletP3’s rules And there are strict rules to minimize travel distance and repeat visits to the same location - but these have to be traded off against the other rules.
28 How AutoPalletP3 works This diagram shows how the data moves through our computers.
29 Summary This enhances job security for all of us AutoPalletP3 makes your job easier Our customers will receive better shipments with less damage Because productivity and trailer cube utilization are improved, our operating costs will decline