The Tundra Salah Mahmoud & Khalifa Al-Maslamani edu/web/nichola s/bio217/rsf4%20 awc7/caribou_tu ndra.jpg
This is the map of the world as you can see the yellow part is showing you where the tundra is, now the tundra is not a place itself, a tundra is a biome where tree growth is hindered by low temperature and short growing seasons. There are three different types of tundra, and they are the Arctic tundra, Alpine tundra, and Antarctic tundra, they have different plants and animals which you will learn about, so I’ll be teaching you about the tundra’s. world-tundra- 580.jpg/ /map- world-tundra-580.jpg tundrayellow Rest of the world brown oceanblue
Greenland’s and Alaska’s tundra is part of the arctic tundra, the soil you will find there will be too cold to grow trees at, the arctic tundra is in the northern hemisphere, in front of the taiga belt. The arctic tundra basically only has two seasons, Summer and Winter and that is because of the way the earth spins, in the winter they don’t have much sunlight and it’s cold, in the summer it might start melting what was there, making the place very soggy, but still the temperature can go down below 0°C. There are also lots of animals and plants that live and grow there like the… File:Greenland_scoresby- sydkapp2_hg.jpg /File:Tundra_looking_sout h_toward_Brooks_Range,_ Alaska.jpg
The Caribou, the Musk-Oxen, the Arctic Hare, the Arctic Fox, the Snowy Owl, Lemmings, and polar bears (in the far North). Because it is really cold there, there are not much plants only low growing plants like moss, crowberry, black bearberry and lichen, here are some of there pictures. Lichen Caribou Musk-Oxen /File:N2_Lich en.jpg wikipedia. org/wiki/F ile:Caribo u.jpg wiki/File:Ov ibos_mosc hatus.jpg
Musk-Oxen A Musk-Ox is an arctic mammal, it is able to live in such a cold place for its, very thick coat of fur which was thick enough for the Musk-Ox to survive the ice age, in the summer they like to live in wet places next to rivers or streams, in the winter they try to stay away from deep snow, but it is also where they might find food if they dig in it, the place they live in my not be good for them because of the almost extinction in Quebec. The predators of the Musk-Ox are wolves and grizzly bears. For the reason of Musk-Ox almost extinct is the amount of wool and food they provide, which is a lot. en.wik iki/Mu skox
Lichen You would find lichens on the arctic tundra and in hot places, you might also find them on rock or on walls, you might call lichens a fungus, they are all over the place and live long. lichens are used to make dyes perfumes and medicines for people, lichens do live long but can be destroyed by air pollution. wikipedi i/Lichen
The Kerguelen Islands are part of the Antarctic tundra which is in Antarctica, it is mostly covered with ice and in that case hard to grow plants at, but still it has rocky soils that have mosses, lichens and marchantiophyta, they also have animals like… wiki/File:Ke rguelen_Ra llierDuBatty.JPG
Seal Penguin Seals and penguins because the weather there is good for them, because they can’t live in a hot place, also some other animals like rabbits and cats are there. iki/File:Pygo scelis_papu a.jpg kipedia.or g/wiki/File: Europäisc her_Seehu nd.jpg
Penguins penguins learn to live in Antarctica because it is cold there, also their body gives them warmth so they can still stay warm during the coldness. When penguins are still born the stay in between their fathers legs for a while until they could get used to it, also they are not supposed to get food when they’re young they’re mother get it for them, so it would be easy for them to learn to live there until they grow up. iki/File: Hikers_ on_fran conia_ri dge.JPG The alpine tundra can be found in any altitude around the world, an alpine tundra is usually in mountains, it is also in the biggest mountains like the Mexican volcano which is 13,000 ft. high. The animals that live in the alpine usually have trouble with the cold and having too much high UV wavelengths, which means they don’t get much heat, so the animals there are warm blooded. tbiomes.or g/ m
Alpaca (llama) One of the animals that live in the Alpine is the Alpaca which is a type of llama, to survive the cold, the Alpaca has a thick layer of fur, and it has a long neck to see predators which are carnivorous, they live up to years sometimes more, because of the Spanish invasion the Alpaca’s were almost extinct, but they were saved and now we have millions. blueplanet /alpine_ani mal_page. htm
Thank you for listening to our presentation I hope you have learned a lot about the tundra’s.
Bibliography Website: Book: Warhol, Tom. Tundra. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, Print.