Key’s to the Kingdom Matthew 16 :13-20 (Petra – prt 2)
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ What is the Kingdom? ▪ God’s rule & reign. God’s government. (Ish 9:7) ▪ Where is the Kingdom? ▪ John 18:36 Not of this world. Luke 17:20 Inside. ▪ When is the Kingdom? ▪ Matthew 6:10 Now but not yet fully come.
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ Key’s lock doors because what’s inside is valuable. ▪ Key’s are a reflection of authority / permission. ▪ You need key’s to open the doors. ▪ You need doors to change circumstances. ▪ You need both to move forward?
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” ▪ Jesus wants to know what people say of Him. ▪ John the Baptizer = pious man? ▪ Elijah = prophet? ▪ Jeremiah = “public leader”?
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” ▪ Elijah = prophet? ▪ Why Elijah? Malachi 3:1 + Malachi 4:5-6 ▪ Matthew 17:10-13
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ Jesus is = personal saviour ▪ More than John/pious man = his righteousness could cover many. (Romans 3:22) imputed ▪ More than Elijah/prophet = He is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelation 19:10) ▪ More than Jeremiah/public leader = His Kingdom is eternal. Luke 1:33
Key’s to the Kingdom ▪ But who do you say Jesus is?
Key’s to the Kingdom The Kingdom of God becomes more a reality when every sphere of authority, is ruled according to the Will of God.