Australia, Oceania, & Antarctica Vocab
Coral Islands An island created by a gradual buildup of coral skeletons.
Indigenous Native to the area in which something is found.
Invasive species Non-native plants or animals introduced to a new area, intentionally or unintentionally, that disturb habitats of native life forms.
Coral Reef Rock-like structure built by layers of coral organisms.
Atoll A ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands made of coral.
Ice Shelf A floating sheet of ice attached to a landmass.
Linguist A language scientist
Salinization the building up of salt in soil
Assimilation A process in which a minority group adopts the culture of the majority.
Reserve Land set aside for native people.
Marsupial A mammal whose females carry their babies in a pouch.
Artesian wells Artesian Groundwater large reservoir of underground water Artesian Wells A well is drilled to access underground artesian water at a lower elevation so the water flows easily to the surface
Antarctic Treaty 1959 agreement by 12 countries to use Antarctica for peaceful purposes and to share scientific discoveries.