The First Americans
The Ice age effects Glaciation – occurs when the Earth’s temperature drops to very low levels and only snow falls not rain. Effects: Forms huge glaciers, or large bodies of ice that move slowly. The sea level drops, which forms land bridges from one area of land to another. Migration, or the movement of people and animals. Pre historic hunters moved when they could not longer find food and could not meet other basic needs. The last Ice Age ended ten thousand years ago. We are now in an interglacial stage. This means that we are between ice ages.
Theories of population: People often moved to lands no other humans beings had ever visited. Cultures mixed and new cultures formed. They adapt to what they found. Change their lifestyle and made new tool. Theories of Population They are several theories on how the Americas got populated, or settled by humans.
Theory of unique Origin The most accepted theory. Proposed by an anthropologist named Ales Hrdlicka who lived in the U.S.A. Ideas First settlers entered Alaska through the Bering Strait. The Bering Strait is a narrow strip of water that separates Asia and the Americas. He believed hunters crossed the Bering strait during an Ice Age. Hrdlicka compares the physical characteristics of Asian and Native Americans. Some do not believe in these theories because the oldest humans bones found in the Americas have been discovered in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Mexico.
Theory of multiple origins Proposed by French anthropologist, Paul Rivet. Idea: Some people crossed the Bering Strait and some crossed the Pacific Ocean from Australia. The people who cross the Pacific Ocean traveled to South America from Australia and from there they spread out to other regions. Supported by: Similarities between Melanesians ( people who lived on a group of islands around Australia) and some tribes in the Amazon. Similar words between Melanesians and North American tribes Similar objects – hammocks, mosquito nets Physical characteristics – Melanesian and some tribes in Brazil.
Theory of Australian immigration Proposed by Portuguese anthropologist, Antonio Mendes Correa. Idea: First inhabitants of the Americas came from Australia and Tasmania People would have passed through Antarctica before getting to South America. Supported by similarities between Native people of Australia and of the Americas.
First settlers: Scientific Research There are many kinds of scientist, who research about our Past. Among these scientist there are: Archeologist – A person that studies the remains of Ancient Civilization. Paleontologist – A person who studies fossils. Anthropology - A person that studies the social and biological aspects of human beings.
How did the first American lived? The first people to settle in the America’s Were nomads which means that they moved from place to place. Were Hunter and gathers – for food they had to go find trees with fruit or animals to hunt. Hunted Megafauna such as: North America - Mastodons, bison, mammoth, and mylodons. - Central and South America – saber-toothed tiger, llama, sloth, and capybara. Made tools from materials such as bone, wood, mud, metal, and stone Made clothes from animal skin.