A.K.A. the cat
Kingdom: animalia Phylum: chordata Class: mammalia Order: carnivora Family: felidae Genus: felis Species: catus Image from: sZb0qXbNrtE/ToH3uMSIqrI/AAAAAAAACYA/7WrSzaTBKy0/s1600/animals_cats_sma ll1.jpg
Small&Usually furry Often called the housecat Strong Flexible Quick reflexes Sharp teeth Retractable claws Image from:
Need tuarine in their diet in order to keep their vision, insufficient tuarine levels will lead to blindness Cats are carnivorous animals Cats cannot taste sweets Image: fantom-xp.com
Cats are found everywhere around the world (Except Antarctica, but they do live on some subantarctic islands) Ability to thrive in almost any terrestrial habitat Image:
Rapid breeding rate Females have many periods of heat occuring about every 3 weeks Mating triggers ovulation Pregnant for 6 weeks Litters are about 3-6 kittens Image:
Common companion animal Cats have been known to be eaten in some parts of China, about 4 million cats are killed and consumed in Asia every year Skinning cats has been outlawed in many countries Image:
facts-cats facts-cats
Mostly wikipedia and personal knowledge.