PALMETTO VISION Presentation prepared by: Earth Technology Integration Ganado Drive Rancho Palos Verdes CA, This goal of this presentation is to inform each participating county: the changes to the system architecture, server installation recommendations, and how beta testing will be conducted. WELCOME
S YSTEM O VERVIEW The system’s framework now consist of UICDS, IPAWS and South Carolina Geographic Information Systems (SC GIS). SC GIS provides a common space for users to discover information. Each county will have the ability to share data A URL to either a file or a streaming web service hosted on a county server. Dynamic, event-specific, data can also be made available
In order to have minimal impact on the IT department we recommend: Placing the server on the DMZ and creating a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) of 1 ETI will provide a firewall to go between the VLAN and the Internet. We’ll manage the firewall and handle all server software updates and maintenance The county will need to assign the server an external and internal IP address Server should be installed somewhere where EMD personnel would have day-to-day access to the server. Server needs to be left turned on 24 hours a day UDP needs to have port forwarding enabled. Several features, e.g. downloading a satellite image and video conferencing, require some bandwidth these features are optional to use. If a significant event occurs then the day-to-day bandwidth should drop off opening up enough space to all these features to be utilized. In either case, the decision is at the discretion of the County EMD operators C ONFIGURING THE SERVER AT EACH COUNTY
N EO R OUTER V IRTUAL P RIVATE N ETWORK (VPN) NeoRouter is a cross-platform zero-configuration Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution that securely connects computers at any locations into a virtual Local Area Network (LAN). It gracefully integrates remote access, file sharing, user and access management. NeoRouter employs a hybrid Peer-to-Peer (P2P) design. Each NeoRouter domain consists of one server at the SCEMD and multiple clients distributed out to the CEOC’s. The server is responsible for authenticating users and client computers, as well as mediating direct P2P connections between clients.
A DDITIONAL S YSTEM SOFTWARE NIMS Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS)is a tool to assist emergency responders with inventorying resources GeoServer is an Open Source server that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. GeoWebCache acts as a proxy between the Common Operating Picture and GeoServer. GeoWebCache saves (caches) map images, or tiles, as they are requested by the COP.
C ORE -T O -C ORE C ONNECTIVITY B ETA T EST Test 2: ETI sample message displayed within viewers 1.ETI sample message is sent to a CEOC Core 2.Google Earth and ESRI Flex adaptors translated & display message by the SCEMD COP and each CEOC node that has already been installed Test 1: When each CEOC server is installed a simple message passed between Core’s (A in image below). ETI created a simple interface that will place a message onto the CEOC server and if the message is passed from the CEOC Core to the SCEMD Core the test will be considered passed
C ORE, V USA, G EO TIFF B ETA T EST 1.A satellite image is sent down to the Eagle Vision satellite dish, image converted into a GeoTIFF. 2.Image is sent to SCEMD server via microwave link 3.URL to the image is uploaded to vUSA. 4.CEOC Core is notified of new data in vUSA via SCEMD Core 5.CEOC Core sends EM-COP viewers notification that new data is available 6.CEOC users logs into server clicks on URL from vUSA and imports GeoTIFF from SCEMD server to CEOC server 7.CEOC users loads GeoTIFF image into GeoServer and then have GeoWebCache generate a KML file. Utilizing GeoServer and GeoWebCache the image is tiled and cached, which prevents the front end application from taking a performance hit. 8.The image is then displayed, via a KML link, within the Common Operating Picture.
V IDEO C ONFERENCING B ETA T EST LEGEND 1.Login 2.Web cam images 3.GE Map Each server will have a web conferencing video capability. Here are the steps to follow when a county would like to hold a web conference: 1.Load the KML file into the conference web application 2.Send participating personnel the URL 3.Each person will need to log into the hosting county’s web conferencing site 4.Hold conference The application is in the process of moving from prototype to beta testing. After the notification has been sent out that the software is ready for testing, we would ask that each county tries the tool out and then give us feedback on any problems encountered
While these symbols do not include all emergency management features, they provide an initial framework for emergency management and first responder mapping and communication. V ISUAL S TANDARDIZATION The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Homeland Security Working Group (HWSG) has been tasked to develop a standard set of symbols for use by the Emergency Management and First Responder communities at all levels of need (i.e. National, State, Local and Incident).
The symbols are designed to be distinctive in either a color or a black and white environment. While a colored symbol frame can be used to denote the level of damage or operational status, the pattern of this frame also denotes the status. Operational level & Damage Assessment The goal of using standardized icons is when a county shares out infrastructure information it will provide immediate understanding of the situation.