Russia & China A Comparison. Similarities: Both are C/PC (communist/post- communist) countries. Both have huge bureaucracies that have hindered reform.


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Presentation transcript:

Russia & China A Comparison

Similarities: Both are C/PC (communist/post- communist) countries. Both have huge bureaucracies that have hindered reform (especially in the past) Both had to reform and restructure their bureaucracies in the 1980s.

Similarities: Both had similar communist revolutions (Soviet Union-1917, China-1949): –Violent –“cult of personality” tactics (Lenin & Mao) –Economies were agricultural and non-industrial. Both have a long history of authoritarian rule –(Czars in Russia, Emperors in China) Both tried to allow criticism of gov’t. at some point. Both attempts backfired: –China: Mao’s “Hundred Flowers” campaign in He was forced to crackdown. –Soviet Union: Glasnost (openness) in 1980s. Led to eventual breakup of S.U.

Similarities: Both had Nomenklatura for political recruitment (China still does). Both had similar party structure (when S.U. still existed): –General Secretary, Politburo, Central Committee, Party Congress

Differences: Population Growth: –Russia: decreasing –China: overpopulation still a problem despite one- child only policy. Transition to Market Economy (Capitalism): –Russia: disastrous because they went too fast (shock therapy) and because Russia had more of an urban population. –China: successful because it’s been a gradual change and China had a more rural population. Also, China didn’t allow political freedoms - basically they copied Perestroika, but not Glasnost.

Differences: Ethnic minority groups: –Russia: ethnic and nationality divisions are significant in politics (even more so during the Soviet years). –China: not significant. 92% of population are ethnic Han, so minorities are a relatively small portion of population. They are also geographically isolated.

Differences: Parliaments: –Russia: State Duma has some power. –China: National People’s Congress has no real power and discusses action already taken by CCP.