Discipleship Class On 25th October Topic: Prayer Fasting Giving Whose IDEA? God or Man?
Giving – Forgotten Discipline! John 3:16
John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
What is Giving? My basic definition for Giving is simple, parting off something for the need of another! Our LORD God parted off His Son for our redemption! He GAVE us His Son so that we may have eternal life!
Our LORD God owns everything! Exodus 19:5, "all the earth is mine". Job 41:11, "Everything under heaven is Mine.“ Psalm 50:12, "The world is Mine, and all its fullness.“ ALL we have was given to us by God!
Our JOB is to ADVANCE the interest of the Kingdom of God by: Our Job As Christians! As Christians We are citizens of the Kingdom of God - Philp 3:20, We are Ambassadors of God - Ephesians 6:20. Our JOB is to ADVANCE the interest of the Kingdom of God by: Witnessing - Matthew 28:19-20, Teaching - Romans 10:14, Providing a place for worship and a shepherd - Tit 1:5, Providing literature or other items which may help others grow unto Christ and provide for the hungry and needy - Galatians 2:10.
Three REASONS we are unable to practice this discipline – GIVING! Lovers of Wealth – Like the Rich Ruler – Mark 10:18-22. Being rich is not an evil thing! But if the wealth is NOT used to honor the LORD’S purpose, it becomes evil. When we turn to LOVE money more than we fear GOD is evil! Prov 19:17, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given.”
Three REASONS we are unable to practice this discipline – GIVING! Thieves of Wealth – But Not Stewards – Like Judas in John 12:3-6. God has given us the wealth or money for us to be stewards! If we fail to use them for God’s glory and His purpose, then is ROBBING! Malachi 3:8-9 “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.”
Three REASONS we are unable to practice this discipline – GIVING! Lying of Wealth – Like Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-3 We earn our wages ourselves and can choose to give any portion unto our LORD God but when we don’t give the correct proportion, we lie to the LORD just like Ananias and Sapphira.
Our Challenge in LIVING a GIVING LIFE! Costly Giving – Just like king David, 2 Samuel 24:24. Sacrificial Giving – Just like the Poor Widow in Mark 12:41-44 Willingly Giving – Just like Barnabas in Acts 4:36-37
In conclusion Beloved in Christ, the MAIN IDEA of GIVING is NOT anyone’s IDEA BUT GOD’S IDEA! His nature is LOVE – GIVING, therefore, He GAVE His ONLY SON; very COSTLY, SACRIFICIALLY and WILLINGLY for our ADOPTION as CHILDREN of GOD. Today, we are to ADVANCE HIS PURPOSE on earth, in Guangzhou, in China! Hebrew 13:16, “But do not forgot to do good and share, for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased.” – As “We Grow Together!”