Mechanisms for Diversity and Genetics Big Idea #3 In conjunction with Big Idea #2
Mutation Mutations are changes in the DNA that may cause changes in protein expression and therefore traits. – DNA RNA Protein Trait Organisms have evolved ways to pass on new combinations of mutations: -Prokaryotes? -Eukaryotes:
Meiosis Cell division that forms gametes. Learning Goal (s): Identify the major steps in the process of meiosis. Explain how meiosis provides a mechanism for diversity and differentiate meiosis and mitosis as forms of cell division.
Reproduction in Eukaryotes Enduring understanding 2.E: Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal regulation and coordination.
Sexual Reproduction in Plants How the structure of the flower allows for the function of sexual reproduction and “shuffling” of gametes.
Mechanisms to avoid self! Temporal Structural Molecular
Life Cycles Convergent evolution of multicellular generation.
Reproduction in Animals Focus: Hormonal control of reproductive mechanisms.
Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. 3.A: Heritable information provides for continuity of life. Essential knowledge 3.A.2: In eukaryotes, heritable information is passed to the next generation via processes that include the cell cycleand mitosis or meiosis plus fertilization. Enduring understanding 3.C: The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation.
Sexual Reproduction Increases Diversity Independent Assortment Crossing Over Random Fertilization
Genetic Recombination New combinations of genes due to crossing over (eukaryotes) or plasmid integration (prokaryotes) Can be used to map the location of genes on chromosomes. Genes closer to eachother more likely to be inherited together.