Prepositions Chapter 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Prepositions Chapter 3

What are prepositions? A preposition is a part of speech that indicates the relationship, often spatial, of one word to another.

More simply put… A preposition is anything a plane can do to a cloud! BEFORE TOWARD IN THROUGH UNDER

Objects of Prepositions The noun that follows the preposition is called the object of the preposition. The object of the preposition ends the prepositional phrase. Examples: in the kitchen over the river on the bumpy road through the woods before bedtime to Grandma’s house

Accusative or Ablative In Latin, the objects of prepositions are either in the Accusative or the Ablative case. You can always simply memorize which case follows each preposition in the vocabulary.

Sid Space the Ablative Astronaut can make it easier! Sub In De Sine Pro A, ab Cum E,ex

IN Be careful with the Latin preposition “in.” When it is followed by the accusative case, it means “into” or “onto.” When followed by the ablative case, it means “in” or “on.”

a/ab and e/ex ex aquā ab aquā Just like we say “an” before a vowel instead of “a,” the Romans used “a” and “e” before consonants but “ab” and “ex” before vowels. ex aquā ab aquā a casā, e casā