L E WWWP = L earn E nglish W ith a W orld W ide P erspective link to all courses: ~ New Changes effective November 1, 2015 ~ 1 English Addicts ~ a course offered by LEWWWP.com course info
Integrated skills practice: Reading / Listening / Writing / Speaking / Pronunciation / Grammar review / Exam prep test question review / Current News Topics Learn and practice with small groups of active learners. Course is designed for upper intermediate level (and above) learners 3 or more live classes per week (effort made to find times compatible with each course member’s availability) For every 5 members who enroll in the English Addicts course, at least one additional weekly live class time will be added. Assignments before and after live classes. These may include: short videos to review, articles to read, discussion questions to prepare responses to, collocations to practice, quizzes, more. 2 Course description :
Reading / Listening / Writing / Speaking / Pronunciation / Grammar review / Exam prep test question review / Current News topics Live classes are recorded and saved as MP3s to an English Addicts DropBox. You will have access to this DropBox for the duration of your enrollment in the English Addicts Course. Excerpts from the text chats of our live classes are posted in the private group space for your study/review. Access to the private English Addicts group space comes with your enrollment (only course members have access) and includes access to over 100 prior discussion topics and notes! If you enroll and renew for at least 3 consecutive months you will have lifetime access to the private group space. Ongoing specific feedback and practice provided; classes are customized based on current participants’ needs. (more info following pages) 3 Course description, continued :
4 Resources we may use for classes include: TED Talk videos [Visit/Join our TED Talk group for some examples] TED Talk videos TED Talk group Other LEWWWP group discussion posts [Advanced English / Debate / Topic of the Day / Newspaper Headlines / possibly others]Advanced EnglishDebate Topic of the DayNewspaper Headlines The Diane Rehm ShowDiane Rehm Show Public Radio International Various News Sources As well as possible other resources that you suggest.
5 Read and listen to what others have to say about LEWWWP teachers and courses, including English Addicts
6 LEWWWP’s English Addicts course is currently facilitated by Holly Dilatush. Holly has : Over 17 years experience in Adult Education A Master degree in Adult Education & Training TESOL Principles & Practices in Online Teaching Certification Presented at International TESOL conferences Served as Moderator and Coordinator of annual online professional development trainings Over 7 years experience in online teaching Served as the founder and community manager for LEWWWP.com (February 2012 and ongoing) LinkedIn profile
7 Ready to enroll? First month ’s enrollment fee = $31. Each subsequent month’s renewal fee = $21.
8 Enrollments are ongoing; but all renewals are by calendar month, from the first of a month to the last day of that month. LEWWWPers may enroll at any time. If you enroll near the end of the month, you may receive a few extra bonus days. However, all renewals will take effect the 1 st of a month. Examples : You pay and enroll on April 26 th ; your renewal payment would be due June 1 st. You pay and enroll on April 4 th ; your renewal payment would be due May 1 st. You pay and enroll April 15 th ; your renewal payment would be due May 1 st.
9 The more actively you: complete the pre-class assignments participate in the English Addicts group discussions attend (and participate in) live classes...the faster you’ll notice improvements in your confidence and competence! Relevant practice with feedback is KEY to success. Why not enroll today?
10 Submit your payment using the appropriate PayPal button from our Payment Info pagePayment Info page. Enroll today!
Please visit our English Addicts course info page and ask your questions there.visit our English Addicts course info page or Visit Holly’s profile page and send her a private message.Holly’s profile page or Use LEWWWP’s Contact Us form.Contact Us Thank you I look forward to speaking with you soon! 11 Questions?
12 Be in the loop with LEWWWP!LEWWWP Please share this information with others you think may be interested.