Steven Spielberg, Jurassic Park III (film still), 1993
James Whale, Frankenstein (film still), 1931.
The Raelian Organization, Leader of the Raelians: Rael, ca 2001
Time Inc., Human Cloning is Closer than you Think, 2001
Margaret Talbot, “Lab of the Human Clones”: New York Times Magazine, 2001
CNN Logo, ca. 2000
Family Gathered Around Radio, Provincetown, Mass, January 1, 1942
Watching Television in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1989
Mcluhan goes postal
Book Cover: Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy: Invention of the Typographic Man, 1962.
Grassroots Education Project, Global Village or Global Pillage?, ca 2000
South African Democratic Teacher’s Union, Stop Cultural Imperialism, 2002
Portrait of Ariel Dorfman, ca 2002
Book Cover: Ariel Dorfman, How To Read Donald Duck, 1991
Gillian Wearing, I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (video still), 1996
Navajo Film Project, The Navajo Film Themselves, 1966
Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Noah Papatsie and Joanasie Karpik at the New Multimedia Centre, 1998
Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Super Shamou, early 1990’s
Nick Burns, Super Shamou Comic Book Cover, ca 1995.
Inuit Communications Systems Limited, Cameraman Shooting Film, ca 2002.
Vincent Carelli, Spirit of TV (video stills), 1990.
Vincent Carelli, The Spirit of TV (video still), 1990.
Unknown Photographer Zapatistas Entering Mexico City, 2001.
Unknown Photographer, “Subcomandante” Marcos, Zapatista Leader, 1994.
Sean Monemy, Portrait of Anita Roddick, 2000.
Body Shop USA, Marketing Issues of the Body Shop, 1994