ViroGin Biotech Co.,Ltd 2015.9
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Company Introduction Project Introduction Market Analysis 4 Mission And Plan
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Company Introduction Project Introduction Market Analysis 4 Mission and plan
Introduction of the company Name of the company: ViroGin Biotech Ltd (Registered in Cayman Islands) Including two operating centers: Shenzhen ViroGin Biotech Ltd (in China) Vancouver ViroGin Biotech Ltd (in Canada)
Background of the company Virogin Biotech is an early stage Biotech research company. The company has a very advanced research team led by Dr. William Jia. The team has completed many world class research projects. Especially in the field of anti-tumor medicine with breakthrough technology. In addition to their world class research team, the company also has a very strong management team with investors and shareholders’ interest on top of their mind.
Target of the company Virogin will focus on the research of anti-tumor medicine—the research of cancer-dissolving virus vaccine---VGH-X. On target to apply for the anti-tumor medicine patent within a year. Furthermore, we are collecting all necessary data for the first stage clinical test in two to three years and seeking CFDA approval.
Core Member
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Project Introduction Company Introduction Market Analysis 4 Target And Plan
Project Background What is an oncolytic virus? An oncolytic virus is a virus that specifically replicates in tumor cells and causes tumor cell lysis but does not affect normal cells. The technology of molecular virology makes the viral genome modification and recombination possible. A few years ago the largest US biopharmaceutical company AMGEN purchased with one billion dollars the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) based oncolytic virus from a small UK company (OncoVex),and successfully completed Phase III clinical trial in 2014. In April 2015,the joint meeting of the FDA’s Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee (CTGTAC) and Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) voted at 22:1 to approve the biologics license for the drug (T-Vec), and made it the first oncolytic viral drug in the world.
Project Background Oncolytic virus and tumor vaccine The rapidly advancing tumor immunotherapy is to use various means to stimulate anti-tumor activities of immune cells as well as to block tumor-induced immune suppression. Oncolytic virus clinical trials showed that the anti-tumor activities of oncolytic viruses are not only due to the direct tumor cell lysis caused by the viruses, but also due to virally induced anti-immune response to the tumor.
Project Background Advances of Technology - Virogin Biotech The combination of oncolytic virus and immune therapy will produce a huge synergy, especially for the treatments of solid tumors. 1. Oncolytic viruses infect a large number of tumor cells and present viral antigens efficiently on tumor cells, which greatly help the activation and recognition of immune cells. 2. Oncolytic tumor cell lysis caused by the virus releases a large number of endogenous proteins, some of which may be tumor neoantigens and recognized by the immune cells to attack surrounding uninfected cells.
Project Background Advances of Technology - Virogin Biotech 3. Oncolytic virus infection of the tumor cells dramatically change the tumor microenvironment, resulting in destruction of vascular structure and a large amount of immune cell infiltration. 4. In current immunotherapies, blockers of tumor immunosuppressors are injected to the entire body and therefore may produce toxic side effects. However the blockers of immune suppression carried by oncolytic viruses are expressed in tumors and can greatly reduce the toxic side effects.
Project Details Oncolytic virus tumor vaccine VGH-X carrying immune-stimulating factor(s) In vitro validation of VGH-X anti-tumor activity In vivo validation of VGH-X anti-cancer activity
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Market Analysis Company Introduction Project Introduction CONTENTS 3 Market Analysis 4 Target And Plan
1 2 3 4 Analysis of the market Current status of the market Comparison with the current oncotytic product ONCOVEX Comparison with current immune-therapy medicine The price advantage of our product Many oncolytic viruses are in the clinical stage and the study of immunization therapy of PD1/PD-L1 is very popular; however, there has been no PD1/PDL1 blockers are expressed by OVs in the clinic. Our product will have better intratumoural dissemination and the immune-stimulating factor will have much stronger immune stimulating effect; therefore, it should have better clinical result. Curing effect will be better and the side effect will be much lower. The producing cost will be similar to PD1/PD-L1 antibody; however, our product will have better curing power; therefore, our product will have price advantage.
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Target And Plan Company Introduction Project Introduction CONTENTS 3 Market Analysis 4 Target And Plan
Target of financing 1 3 2 4 The creation of the company Completing U$ 8million of the second run of financing before July 2016 2 4 Completing the first run of financing before August 2015 Expansion of our operation
Introduction of our investors Shen Zhen Sangel asset management limited is a comprehensive investment institute which specializes in venture capital and angel capital projects; it is incubator of high tech. companies. Sangel bases itself upon the most promising industries: Biotech, Medical facilities, Healthcare, Technology of life resource,etc. GP Capital investment fund management company is the manager of Shanghai development investment fund which was founded by Shanghai international asset management group, Jiangsu Sagang investment group, Huatai security limited company and Hengdian holding company. On December 28th 2012, the fund successfully closed its first close-end fund which was over 9 billion Ren Ming Bi---Chinese Yuan. Johnson & Johnson has been a part of people's lives for 129 years and a valuable part of their investments for approximately 70 years. Founded in 1886, we listed our shares on the New York Stock Exchange for public investors in 1944. During our history, we have built the most comprehensive base of health care businesses in the world, generating approximately 70 percent of our revenues from No. 1 or No. 2 global leadership positions in our respective markets. Over the last 10 years, Johnson & Johnson stock generated a 8.3 percent total return for investors compared to a 7.7 percent total return for the S&P 500.
Development Plan 0-9 months 9-12 months 13-30 months 31-50 months Completing the construction of the virus Completing OV virus construction and initial tests and applying patents Completing IND enabling and submitting IND Completing Phase I clinical trial
Thank You! Virogin Biotech Co.,Ltd