Top exam tips Start your revision as early as possible. You need time to go over topics two or three times. Get plenty of sleep the night before an exam Collect past papers, work through them and use mark schemes to see what you have got right/wrong. Don’t be frightened to ask your teachers for help – they will be glad to support you and will do all they can. Use Post-It notes around your home, you can revise in every room that way! Use the holidays and the weekend as your prime revision slot: time to get serious about your future. Do not just revise for the so called ‘more important’ subjects. EVERY grade counts.
Be prepared – exam day reminders Make sure you know WHEN and WHERE your exam is taking place. Aim to get to school AT LEAST 20 MINUTES BEFORE your exam starts, in case of any transport problems. Exam halls can get hot in summer – TAKE A BOTTLE OF WATER in with you. READ THE PAPER CAREFULLY and fill in all the correct sections. KEEP ON TRACK OF TIME and plan your answers DO NOT TALK to anyone: it is strictly forbidden. If you need help from an invigilator put your hand up. BRING ALL THE CORRECT EQUIPMENT including a calculator if needed KEEP CALM and relax – you CAN DO IT.
Revision strategies The way most of us tend to revise is to read through things several times and hope it sticks. In fact, this is not the best way to revise. You need to unpick the information and then explain it to yourself. Your brain learns best when you ask it to make connections and create meanings. Condensing your notesMemory strategies This means making summaries of the main points. 1.Get your notes organised 2.For each page of notes, write a summary of the main points 3.Condense each summary down to the main ideas, key terms and key points. 4.Write the condensed notes on index cards Memory strategies are proven to help your brain remember things 1.Use first letter phrases – E.g. the word necessary is Never Eat Cucumber Eat Salad Sandwiches And Raspberry Yoghurt. Strange but you WILL remember things this way! 2.Put things in your own words – let someone else read it and see if it makes sense to them. 3.Try to make unusual connections. Your brain will remember these.
Organise a quiz with friends – write down questions about a topic top ask each other Take full advantage of revision lessons at school. Your teachers are your best revision resource! Technology is an amazing learning and revision resource – use it for the right reasons Complete past papers, then swap them with friends -see if they can answer any questions you may have missed
Make the most of the support available to you
What type of learner are you? Mind Maps Posters Post-it Notes Sound clips & Recordings
Useful Websites for GCSE revision Download the QR CODE READER APP to your Android or Apple devices and scan the Science revision clips on the Year 11 notice board on the schools History Twitter Account (via Google) for fantastic You Tube History Clips. No Twitter account needed! Maths History