Page 1 Node.js - What? EMEA PUG Challenge, November 2015, Copenhagen 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 2 Agenda Introduction Node.js –What is it? Browsers Important modules Progress Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 3 Introduction Robert Prediger 20 years experience in PROGRESS 15 years experience in web development 5 years experience in Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 4 Node.js Javascript is everywhere: –Browsers –Webservers –Databases –Mobile Devices Adobe, Google, Apple and Microsoft are spending a huge amount of money! JavaScript seems to be the worlds most used programming language. 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 5 Node.js What is Node.js –Server side Javascript –Built on Chrome V8 Engine –Event-driven, non blocking I/O model What is it for? –Easily building fast, scalable network applications –Perfect for data-intensive real-time application that run across distributed devices 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 6 Browser 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 7 Browser 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 8 Node.js What is Node.js –Server side Javascript –Built on Chrome V8 Engine –Event-driven, non blocking I/O model What is it for? –Easily building fast, scalable network applications –Perfect for data-intensive real-time application that run across distributed devices 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 9 Node.js Blocking I/O database, filesystem – disk S3, external APIs – networking 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 10 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 11 Node.js Request (other languages, incl. Progress): 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Finished request Start 2nd request Green is executing thread Red is waiting on I/O
Page 12 Node.js F-18 Hornet –Max speed of 1,190 mph RAM Banana slug –Max speed of mph Hard disk 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Quelle:
Page 13 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 14 Nginx 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Quelle:
Page 15 Nginx 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Quelle:
Page 16 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 17 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Q: How is it possible to handle parallel I/O with one thread of execution? A: There is (usually) no such thing as parallel I/O
Page 18 Node.js Parallel I/O: how we see it 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 19 Node.js Parallel I/O: what actually happen at low level 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 20 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? OS does a good job of abstracting sequential stream of raw data into logical streams: tcp sockets, http connections
Page 21 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? „everything runs in parallel except your code“ - it seems that a lot of people are confused by this phrase which tries to explain node.js asynchronous nature
Page 22 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? “everything” = I/O Since I/O is external to the code, I’d prefer to say “In node, code is organised to wait for as much as possible in parallel”
Page 23 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? We are not “running” functions in parallel. We are waiting for data “in parallel”. One World One WAIT-FOR
Page 24 Node.js Request with WebSpeed: 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Finished request Start 2nd request Green is executing thread Red is waiting on I/O
Page 25 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? Request with Node: Green is executing thread Red is waiting on I/O Event Loop Request
Page 26 Node.js 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 27 Node.js Can handle thousands of concurrent connections with minimal overhead (CPU/Memory) on a single Process! 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 28 Node.js Summary Extremely efficient networking applications Fast javascript runtime (V8) Rapid growth in both, packages and community 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 29 Module 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 30 Modules Number of Node.js modules exceeded ! Modules for nearly every problem: –pm2 –cluster –express – –restify –async –q (promises) –debug –winston 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 31 PM2 is a production process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks. Node.js - What? pm2 6-Nov-15
Page 32 cluster 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var cluster = require('cluster'), http = require('http‘); if (cluster.isMaster) { // Fork workers. for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { cluster.fork(); } cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) { console.log('worker ' + + ' died'); }); } else { // Workers can share any TCP connection // In this case its a HTTP server http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200); res.end("hello world\n"); }).listen(8000); }
Page 33 express 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var express = require('express'), app = express(); app.configure(function(){ app.use( express.favicon() ); app.use( express.bodyParser() ); app.use( express.static( './public') ); }); app.get( '/login‘, route.get ); app.listen( 8081 );
Page 34 Protocol for having a bidirectional communication with client. 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 35 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var io = require('').listen( 80 ); io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { socket.emit( 'message', { text: 'Hello World' }); // broadcast message to all subscribed sockets socket.broadcast.emit("chat", { name: socket.nickname, msg: msg });
Page 36 Demo 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 37 restify - Client 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var client = restify.createJsonClient({ url: ' version: '*‘ });'/foo', { hello: 'world' }, function(err, req, res, obj) { assert.ifError(err); console.log( res.statusCode, '->', res.headers ); console.log( obj ); });
Page 38 restify - Server 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var restify= require('restify‘), server= restify.createServer({ name: 'myapp', version: '1.0.0' }); server.use(restify.acceptParser(server.acceptable)); server.use(restify.queryParser()); server.use(restify.bodyParser()); server.get('/echo/:name', function (req, res, next ) { res.send(req.params); return next(); }); server.listen( 8080, function () { console.log('%s listening at %s',, server.url); });
Page 39 async 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? // an example using an object instead of an array async.parallel({ one: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callback(null, 1); }, 200); }, two: function(callback){ setTimeout(function(){ callback(null, 2); }, 100); } }, function(err, results) { // results is now equals to: {one: 1, two: 2} } );
Page 40 debug 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var debug= require("debug"), log= debug("demo:socket"); function login ( name ) { log( "login", name ); client.nickname = name; }
Page 41 winston 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var winston = require('winston'); var logger = new (winston.Logger)( { transports: [ new (winston.transports.Console)( { level: 'warn' } ), new (winston.transports.File)( { filename: 'somefile.log', level: 'error‘ } ) ] }); logger.debug( "Will not be logged in either transport!" ); logger.transports.console.level = 'debug'; logger.transports.file.level = 'verbose'; logger.verbose("Will be logged in both transports!");
Page 42 Progress - WebSpeed REST: Node.js -> Progress WebSpeed –pro Easy to maintain –con Overhead with HTTP Messenger 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 43 Progress - WebSpeed 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? {src/web/method/cgidefs.i} output-content-type("application/json":U). IF NOT WEB-CONTEXT:IS-JSON THEN DO: LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE( "No JSON request" ). RETURN. END. /* read json */ oParse = NEW ObjectModelParser(). jData = CAST( oParse:Parse( WEB-CONTEXT:HANDLE ), JsonObject ).
Page 44 Progress - WebSpeed 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?... hDataSet:FILL(). jResult = NEW JsonObject(). jDataSet = NEW JsonObject(). jDataSet:READ( hDataSet ). jResult:Add( "data", jDataSet ). jResult:WriteStream( "Webstream" ).
Page 45 Progress - AppServer REST: Node.js -> Progress AppServer –pro Webservice –con Overhead with Tomcat Deployment with ProxyGen 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 46 Progress – node4progress node4progress – –pro very fast Structured API –con Overhead with java engine between 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 47 Progress – node4progress 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var conf = require("./config.json"); var n4p= require("node4progress")(conf); n4p.setAppsvrProc("CustomerHandler.p","",false,true); n4p.setParameter("InputPars","longchar","input","batchNum=2",""); n4p.setParameter("OutputPars","character","output","",""); n4p.setParameter("dsCustomer","dataset-handle","output","",""); n4p.setParameter("ErrMsg","character","output","",""); n4p.appProc().execute(function(err,result){ if(err){ console.log("ERROR->"+err); }else{ result=JSON.parse(result); } });
Page 48 Progress – node4progress 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? var conf = require('config.json'), n4p = require('node4progressHttp')conf.prgs); var handler = "handlers/CustomerHandler.p", inputPars = "NumCustomersToPull=2"; n4p.callHandler( handler, inputPars, function(result){ console.log(result); });
Page 49 Progress – JSDO JSDO – – –pro very fast Structured API –con Infrastructure (beginning with OE 11.5) 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?
Page 50 Progress – JSDO 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? XMLHttpRequest = require("./XMLHttpRequest.js").XMLHttpRequest; Require("./progress.js"); Require("./progress.session.js"); // get connection to progress and get catalog var session = new; session.login( conf.serviceURI, "", ""); session.addCatalog( conf.catalogURI );
Page 51 Progress – JSDO 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What? // create jsdo var jsdo = new { name: 'dsCustomer' } ); jsdo.subscribe( 'AfterFill', onAfterFillCustomers, this); jsdo.fill(); // fills the locally initialized jsdo from the catalog function onAfterFillCustomers( jsdo, success, request ) { var result = []; jsdo.eCustomer.foreach( function( cust ) { result.push( ); }); callback( null, result ); }
Page 52 End Questions? 6-Nov-15 Node.js - What?