Havering Safeguarding Children Board Annual Conference 2015 DC Andrea Bakewell/DC Tracey Blair TOTAL POLICINGTOTAL POLICINGTAL POICING
AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF CSE TEAM IN THE MET Apply a pro-active problem solving approach to address risks associated with victims, perpetrators & locations and ensure the safeguarding and welfare of those who are, or may be at risk from sexual exploitation. Take action against those intent on abusing & exploiting children & young people by prosecuting and disrupting perpetrators. Co-ordinate the activity of all London agencies. Date Arial 14pt TOTAL POLICING
Multi-Agency Sexual Exploitation Meeting (MASE) Each borough holds monthly MASE meetings with mandatory membership Review progress of CSE cases and ensure action is being taken by whichever agency is involved in individual cases. Identify any trends or problem locations and ensure a co-ordinated tactical response to safeguard the child. Look at cross border issues and ensure there is a co-ordinated approach with other boroughs. Ensure looked after children placed away from the borough and at risk of CSE are being protected by the agencies where they are located. TOTAL POLICING
Central Pan London Team covering all 32 Boroughs (50 DC’s) part of the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command Each of the 50 officers on the Pan London Team have responsibility for a specific borough Each of the 32 London Borough Police Unit’s have a dedicated CSE SPOC/Team (usually in the Missing Persons Unit) Crimes/Reports allocated according to category Central Tasking Process TOTAL POLICING Police Structure
CSE CATEGORIES Grouped into 3 different categories: Category 1: A vulnerable child or young person, where there are concerns they are being targeted and groomed and where any vulnerability factors have been identified. However, at this stage there is no evidence of any offences Category 2: Evidence a child or young person is being targeted for opportunistic abuse through the exchange of sex for drugs, perceived affection, sense of belonging, accommodation (overnight stays), money and goods etc. The likelihood of coercions and control is significant. Category 3: Evidence a child or young person whose sexual exploitation is habitual, often self denied and where coercion/ control is implicit TOTAL POLICING
Victim Strategy - To engage and build rapport with victim. This framework is to ensure the safeguarding of victims’ remains the key factor in decision making, particularly when an investigation is brought to a close. PNC reports Recognised as useful tool in such investigations, where correctly used, are PNC locate info reports. Reports highlight concerns about a subject and can assist officers to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to safeguard those at risk and to gather evidence against those suspected of involvement in sexual exploitation. TOTAL POLICING Victims
S – Sexual Health A – Absent from School F – Familial Abuse E - Emotional and Physical Condition G – Gangs U – Use of Technology & Sexual Bullying A – Alcohol and Drug Misuse R – Receipt of unexplained Gifts or money D – Distrust of Authority Figures
Enforcement & disruption Arrests/prosecutions – where possible Police will always seek to arrest & prosecute offenders Abduction Notices/Child Harbouring Notices – offender activity can be disrupted through proactive suspect engagement. Sexual Risk Orders/Sexual Harm Prevention Orders – court orders that impose prohibitive conditions to minimise chances of offending TOTAL POLICING
Enforcement & disruption (cont) Hotel Notices – Hotels can be ordered to provide information to Police relating to bookings etc Closure Notices – If evidence exists premises believed to be linked to CSE can be subject of court ordered closure on application of Police TOTAL POLICING
Op Makesafe – Crime Prevention Strategy Hotels, licensed Premises and Taxi Cabs trained to recognise CSE Call Handlers trained to provide appropriate response to CSE cases highlighted to report Launched Pan London across all 32 BOCU's in March 2015 Posters / Leaflets as part of training roll out bespoke to differing type of business Phase 2 – can be expanded to include a multitude of other areas including care homes & night time economy (NTE) TOTAL POLICING
Operation MakeSafe TOTAL POLICING
CSE figures within MET and Havering April 2014 – March 2015 over 1,800 referrals; and 1,185 children were identified as being at risk; 537 children were identified as being victims of crime whereby CSE was a factor. 77 individuals have been charged with sentences totaling more that 100 years. In addition 250 prevention orders have been served on CSE perpetrators. These include abduction notices and risk of sexual harm orders. Havering currently have 21 open CSE concerns and in comparison to neighbouring boroughs have more perpertrator disruptions arrests/civil orders
Chevonea Kendall-Bryan (Case Study) 13 year old fell to her death from 4 th floor bedroom Victim of two sexual assaults Relentlessly bullied following circulation of video Full inquest/catalogue of failures
TOTAL POLICING Search ‘Can You Stop It CSE’ on Google Videos
Can You Stop It Commissioned by the MPS to raise awareness amongst practitioners working with children looking at the behaviour traits of perpetrators of 'on street' CSE. Criminologist Dr Graham Hill has identified a number of roles fulfilled by those perpetrators. Broken down into three The Hook The Predator The Co-ordinator Demonstrate specific behaviours VIPA
What can you do as professionals? Any abuse is a safeguarding issue – CSE is child abuse Data protection? – Take it back to safeguarding Be open minded – Victims can also be perpetrators and vice- versa Follow gut instinct – Don’t be afraid to refers concern even if you have no concrete disclosure, subtle hints may be useful disclosure Keep young person as focus – biggest issue in past has been victim blaming Use referrals pathway – YOU CAN STOP IT!
TOTAL POLICING Freedom of Information Act Protective Marking RESTRICTEDPublication Scheme NO Title: London's Child Sexual Exploitation - Operating Protocol Summary: Presentation on CSE to SRE Forum Branch / OCU: Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command SOECA, SC017, MPS Date created: 12/10/2015Review date: 12/10/2016 Version: V1 Author: DI Ivon BEER