CERN 17-19 Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos1 HERA and the LHC K. Goulianos The Rockefeller University CERN 17-19 January 2005 (talk.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos1 HERA and the LHC K. Goulianos The Rockefeller University CERN January 2005 (talk delivered by video)

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos2 Thanks! Many thanks to Michele Gallinaro

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos3 Run-I,0 ( ) Elastic, single diffractive, and total cross 546 and 1800 GeV Roman Pot Spectrometers Roman Pot Detectors  Scintillation trigger counters  Wire chamber  Double-sided silicon strip detector Results PRD 50 (2004) 5518; 5535; 5550  Total cross section  tot ~ s   Elastic cross section d  /dt ~ exp[2  ’ ln s ]  shrinking forward peak  Single diffraction Breakdown of Regge factorization Additional Detectors Trackers up to |  | = 7

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos4 CDF-I Run-ICRun-IA,B Forward Detectors BBC 3.2<  <5.9 FCAL 2.4<  <

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos5 CDF-I Roman Pot Spectrometer 3 trigger counters 3x[2X(20+20)]=240 channels Hosai Nakada – thesis Fiber width: 800 

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos6 CDF Run I results 93(2004)141601

February 23, 2004CDF Internal Review7 Run-II CDF CDF Forward Detectors MiniPlug calorimeters (3.5<  <5.5) Beam Shower Counters (5.5<  <7.5) Antiproton Roman Pot Spectrometer 2001-

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos8 M. http :// Run-II Forward Detectors

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos9 MiniPlug Run -II Data ADC counts in MiniPlug towers in a pbar-p event at 1960 GeV. “jet” indicates an energy cluster and may be just a hadron. Approximately 1000 counts = 1 GeV Multiplicity distribution in SD and ND events MiniPlug tower structure

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos10 Diffractive Dijets ND+SD & SD+MB overlap events  ~ 1 SD events Flat region

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos11 Run II Roman Pot Tracking

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos12 Calibration of RP position t=0 t=-0.5 fixed  x pbar z xx Method Adjust  x to get the steepest t distribution

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos13 Roman Pot Distributions edge effect

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos14 Determining  x from data Method: maximize the t=0 value of d  /dt

CERN Jan 2005Alignment of CDF Run II Roman Pots K. Goulianos15 HERA &Tevatron->LHC p IP