PowerPoint in the Classroom --Level 1 Chris Osborne Independent Technology Consultant
Agenda Intro – Me Download Presentation for future reference Purposes of PowerPoint Project Sample Inserting Audio/Video What NOT to do with PowerPoint Formatting text/bullets Printing Options Saving Options Evaluating Multimedia Projects
Purposes of PowerPoint Presentation tool to enhance classroom instruction. Interactive tool for test/quiz preparation. Student Presentation Tool Communicate with Parents
Keep In Mind A PowerPoint presentation is, at best, a summary tool. Students should use the multimedia elements to enhance content, not subsitute for it. Just because you can do something with PowerPoint doesn’t mean you should.
PowerPoint Project Create a project with at least 4 slides Teach an Academic Concept or How to Make Something (sandwich, craft, etc..) Use Varied Text Layouts Use a Design Template Add Clipart and Modify Clipart Use Varied Levels of Bullets on Slides Add Slide Transitions (Slide Show…Slide Transition) on each slide (Vary the transitions on each slide) Add Some Type of Animation Save into Your Folder Let’s take a look at What NOT to Do
Embedded Video Video can play automatically or upon clicking the image of the Video.
Audio Audio can be embedded to play throughout, on one slide or at the beginning. Audio can be from CD or from recording narration with a microphone. Click here to open SOUND RECORDER
Rehearse and Timing Run PowerPoint manually or let it run your show automatically. Take digital pics of your class every now and then. Photograph some of the work done, then make a looping automatic presentation that runs while your parents wait their turn for conferences.
Bullet Levels This is the main bullet…if I hit “enter” Then “tab” I get this bullet. Again Again 1. This is numbering 1. Again
I. Roman Numerals II. Auto Just hit enter I can use pictures for bullets.
Links Hyperlinks can go to the Internet They can connect to another slide Slide #1 Or they can connect to another file PowerPoint Handout You can even use a link to open a blank document. New Word File – Open and type a summary. New Word File – Open and type a summary
Saving Options If students are working from home, the best option is to: File > “Package for CD” Student will need a CD burner and blank CD-R or CD-RW to do this. Save As WebPage This will convert your presentation so it will work on the web. Do this with classroom presentations so student can view them again and again.
Printing Options Print each slide out onto separate pages or print a ready made handout. Print What? Select “handouts” Then Select how many slides per page. Usually 3 per page is a good choice. If you are printing a handout to copy, then Select “Properties” Then select Black and White if you are printing to a color printer.
Evaluating Multimedia assesspp.htm assesspp.htm ** GREAT SITE tm tm
More Evaluating oint%20Rubrics.htm oint%20Rubrics.htm