>JAMES I – devoted to theory “Divine Right of Kings” – Absolutism >Went against Parliament – which controlled the $$ HOUSE OF COMMONS – wanted more say in the government >CHARLES I – (James I’s son) – attempted to rule without Parliament ( ) 1640 – THE LONG PARLIAMENT – enacted legislation that limited the power of the King. i.e. Triennal Act UPRISING IN IRELAND – Parliament wouldn’t trust Charles I with an Army so he instigated a military action against Parliament.
>PURITANS – increased dissatisfaction with the Church of England >Wanted to purify the Anglican Church of all Roman Catholic elements (pageantry) James I and Charles I – showed they were highly sympathetic to Roman Catholicism Tried to impose new religious elements in Scotland “Book of Common Prayer” Upset the Scots Rebelled Charles I was forced to Summon Parliament “Protestant ethic vs. “Middle-class ethic” or “Capitalist ethic”
Execution of Charles I – Charged with Treason COMMONWEALTH (republican form of Government Theoretically: legislative power was in Parliament and executive power in a council of state Reality: Oliver Cromwell and the military controlled the government – “Protectorate” – Military Dictatorship Oliver Cromwell Navigation Act: English Goods must be transported on English Ship Cromwell died – 1658 – and his system of Governmnet died out
>CROMWELL >Restricted the freedom of Anglicans and Catholics >Enforced public Morality >Closing the theaters >Prohibited dancing >Required strict observance of the Sabbath AWelcomed Jews
THE RESTORATION: 1660 Restored the Monarchy with Charles II, eldest son of Charles I Restored the Anglican Church Harmony between Crown and Parliament 1670 – Agreement with Louis XIV – 200,000 pounds annually to relax laws against the Catholics
Charles II No legitimate children Brother James – Catholic Anti-Catholic fear in England
NJAMES II Appointed Roman Catholics to Government Positions Attempted to follow his Father and Grandfather Declaration of Indulgence – granting religious freedom to all Wife produced a male heir – a Catholic dynasty seemed assured.
gThrone was offered to Mary and her husband William of Orange gMary was James II’s Protestant daughter gJames II, wife and child fled to France g1689 William and Mary were crowned King and Queen of England
Replaced 1 King with a minimum of blood shed King and Queen recognized supremacy of the Parliament Divine Right was replaced – King ruled with consent of the governed Bill of Rights CREATED A CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY
>Religious >Catholics could not possess firearms >Freedom of religion to nonconformists and Protestant dissenters – not Catholics >English Monarch must always be Protestant