EIFL HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2015 Rima Kupryte 12 th November, 2015 General Assembly in Riga, Latvia
A successful completion of e-Library Myanmar project Knowledge of combined EIFL programmes (Licensing, Open Access, Copyright) Impacted 7 most important universities in country. Transforming HE in Myanmar
New Publisher agreements EBSCO Discovery Service, HeinOnline, Duke University Press & Project Euclid, Taylor & Francis APC charges, Euromonitor: Passport & Research Monitor New e-content
2015 Usage and savings Saved approx. $256M in subscription fees 6.8 million full text articles downloaded 98% average discount on list price 40% increase in number of subscriptions Use of e-resources
5 OA policies adopted in International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Rudjer Boskovic Institute (Croatia), University of Debrecen (Hungary), OA & Open Research Data Action Plan in Slovakia and a National strategy for OA & Open Research Data in Slovenia Opening local content 9 OA policies drafted & discussed in Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Armenia (OA to ETDs), CSIR (Ghana), Estonia Open Science Recommendations, Kaunas Technical University and Lithuanian Research Council, University of Latvia, University of Mandalay (Myanmar) & University of Zambia
Mongolia becomes 10th country to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities Ratified on 23 September halfway point towards entry into force of the global copyright treaty EIFL support “helped make the work possible”, Baljid Dashdeleg Celebration!! Advocating for greater access Baljid Dashdeleg, EIFL Copyright Co-ordinator celebrates with Teresa on skype
October after 3 ½ years’ discussion, new law brings copyright in Poland into 21st century Key achievements Digital preservation incl. for unpublished works Libraries can digitize works in their collections and - make them available on library terminals - use in Virtual Learning Environments e.g. Moodle Enables use of orphan works (EU OW directive) Limits the introduction of Public Lending Right to public libraries only (EU PLR directive) Great work, Barbara!! Modernising Copyright law Barbara Szczepanska attends a stakeholder meeting at the Ministry of Culture & National Heritage in 2013
FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research, EC funded project launch of a portal with re- usable training materials on OA, open data & open science launch of 3 e-learning courses on Open Science, OA to publications in Horizon 2020 & Making your Repository or OA Journal OpenAIRE compatible with OA Horizon 2020 requirements Increasing OA capacity
Trained librarians in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda to use ICT in community services Reached all public libraries that have internet and computers (50 % of libraries in those countries) Transforming public libraries
Received Nokia Europe executives' vote and 114,750 EUR to equip mobile libraries in 4 regions of Ghana to serve 1,800 schoolchildren´s computer literacy needs Improving schoolchildren digital skills
THANK YOU! Rima Kupryte Director