North Carolina Search & Rescue
NC Search & Rescue Update Resource Overview Important Considerations Available SAR Training SAR Goals – What's new?
Resource Overview Neighbor helping neighbor Entirely Local Resources Partnership with NCAREMS and OSFM Entirely Local Resources Typed to NIMS standards Covered by Workman’s Compensation Endorsed by NCAREMS or Local Government/AHJ 7+ USAR 30+ Swiftwater 25+ Land SAR, 5+ Mountain SAR Up to 6 H-60 HART, Up to 2 UH-72 HART 1 B407/SHP HART
Urban Search & Rescue Self contained 72 hour capability, up to two week deployments 12 / 24 hour capability Robust communications package Can function in wide range of missions: Structural Confined Space Trench Wide Area Search Wilderness Recon Swiftwater
Who makes up a USAR TF?
NC USAR Team Locations 1 2 6 8 2 10 3 9 11 TYPE I USAR TEAM D a r e H y d P i t C W k n B l u p O s o w M f v U x R b N h S m c I T J A G L F g Y V E q 9 3 8 2 6 11 10 NC-USAR-TF2- Buncombe County NC-USAR-TF3- Charlotte Fire Department NC-USAR-TF6- Greensboro Fire Department NC-USAR-TF8- Raleigh Fire Department (Durham, Chapel Hill Fire Departments) NC-USAR-TF9- Lumberton Emergency Rescue Unit (Fayetteville Fire Department) NC-USAR-TF10- Greenville Fire Rescue Department (New Bern Fire Department) NC-USAR-TF11- New Hanover County (Wilmington Fire Department) *(Participating/partner agencies) *Colored Areas on Map reflect Primary Response District TYPE I USAR TEAM TYPE II USAR TEAM 1 2
NC USAR Program 2015 & Beyond Session Law 2014-21 Section 4 formally established USAR Program in 166A (Article 6) Requires NCEM to prepare a report of what funding will be required to maintain the resource Established a Technical Advisory Committee to steer USAR and other “Specialized SAR Resources” NCEMA has representation on the USAR TAC
Swiftwater / Flood Rescue Self contained 72 hour capability, up to two week deployments May integrate with Helicopter Rescue Team May require logistical support and decon team Can function in wide range of conditions: Day / Night Wide Area Stream Urban Paddle Craft Power Boat
Swiftwater Paddle craft IRB (Zodiac 470/420) Requires at least 40-55 hp Prefer pump-jet style engine
Stillwater Rescue PaddleCraft / IRBs Flat Bottom Boats Turnout gear, still not safe Will require decon
Typed Flood Response Swiftwater/ Flood Equipment Type 1 Inventory Resource Component Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Swiftwater/ Flood Equipment Type 1 Inventory Type 2 Inventory Type 3 Inventory Search and Rescue Team Personnel 14 Member Team: 5 Member Team: 1 Managers 1 Team Leader 2 Team Leaders 4 Personnel 11 Personnel Transportation Equipment trailer Personal transport vehicles
NC Swiftwater Training Local Jurisdictions / Community College Swiftwater Technician Training OSFM / Rescue 3 NCEM SAR Program NC Swiftwater Boat Training Program Basic Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator (NIMS Bowman, Tillerman) Advanced Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator (NIMS Boat Crew Leader, Night Operations) Swiftwater Rescue Logistics Specialist
NC Swiftwater 2015 & Beyond Night Ops Equipment Working to better develop more advanced night capability NVG / Thermal / Lighting / Training Equipment Working to develop better equipment list / boat specification for NC Deployable Resources Swiftwater Rescue Boats are now EMPG eligible expenses Working to get them approved for HSGP
NC Search & Rescue Update Go to follow-on file (on the NC Emergency Management’s website) for the remainder of the PowerPoint slides for this presentation.