Eliza the Chatterbox Evidence Add your name here
Instructions Add a screenshot for each task you have completed. Include a brief analysis of the programming techniques learned in each task. Remember to stick to the 3 hour time limit for the HLA, which means you may not complete every task. Tick each task you have completed (delete as appropriate): Print your evidence presentation as hand-outs 2 slides per page. Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task 11 Task 12 Task 13 Task 14 Task 15 Task 16
Task 1: Teaching Eliza to speak Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 2: Hello from Eliza Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 3: Talking back Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 4: Eliza isn't very friendly! Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 5: Interacting with Eliza Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 6: How are you feeling? Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 7: Making Decisions Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 8: More on Making Decisions Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 9: Lots of different feelings Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 10: Let's go to the movies Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 11: Keep talking… Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 12: …and talking… Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 13: Printing after loop Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 14: Eliza's movie marathon Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 15: Having a conversation Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.
Task 16: Eliza lives! Add a screenshot of your completed task here. Add a brief analysis of the task here.