Introduction to Honors English 11 Coombs Room 201
Classroom Routines
Take your seat Begin working on the Do Now Activity Homework is placed in the collection bucket Entering the Room
Daily exercise Work independently or in groups on the activity Homework and attendance will be checked during this time Do Now
Students will complete the exit assignment and wait for dismissal Do not line up at the door or leave your seat until I dismiss you. Daily Wrap-Up
AIM: SWBAT LEARNING TARGET: I WILL ______________ STEPS: 1. DO NOW – Show what you Know 2. We look at the lesson 3. We Explore the Lesson 4. You practice the skills 5. Show What You’ve Learned Daily Rundown
Learning targets are the goals for every lesson/unit we will work through. These targets are the end goal for our units We will demonstrate our understanding of the subject daily. This could be a snapshot, exit slip or another form of measurement Learning Targets
Key Questions
No one may leave during the first 15 minutes of class No one may leave during the last 15 minutes of class. FIRST AND LAST 15 MINUTES
Must have a pass to be allowed into the room as an excused tardy Students without a pass will be marked as unexcused tardy Students may lose 10 or more points for the daily class grade depending how late they arrive. What if I’m Tardy?
It is your responsibility to get and complete missed work before reporting to class. All assignments will be posted in advance If you are absent on a day an assignment is due, you must e- mail it to me. Assignments must be in my hand no later than 2:05 PM. You May Your Assignments or Place in Hand-In Folder What if I’m absent when work is due?
Check the website: You have 5 school days to turn-in make-up work upon returning as listed in the student handbook. Beyond 5 days is my discretion, and work will be penalized. What if I’m Absent and miss work?
What to Expect
You must come to every class prepared to analyze, evaluate and discuss class topics daily. Some assignments are collaborative You are still responsible for turning in your individual assignment Collaboration –
As Honor students you will be required to constantly analyze, evaluate and discuss information beyond the text. We will examine real-world implications and ideas. We will examine how literature reflects the time period it was written. Honors Attitude
Be ready to work in groups daily Be ready to discuss everyday Be prepared to write Be prepared to research Be Prepared
Exit Reflection Reflect on the first day of class. Describe two challenges you believe you will face this year, and how you plan to overcome them. Use clear examples from today’s class period (syllabus, expectations, non-cognitive sheet, writing portfolio) in your answer. (min. 7 sentences)