Writing essay paragraphs T.E.E.L.
Structure of a paragraph T – Topic sentence E – Explanation E – Evidence L – Linking sentence
T – Topic sentence What is the main point for your paragraph? This sentence should represent your main idea. It’s like an introduction to your paragraph. It should be 1 sentence long.
Topic sentences When read on their own, topic sentences of each paragraph should be able to give the reader a clear idea of what your essay is about. Example: ‘The movie Jumanji has many aspects which help to characterise it as a fantasy film.’
E - Explanation Why is your point important? You have raised an idea and provided evidence to support it, but now you need to explain in more detail. Don’t simply state an idea and move on! Spend time on explaining the idea so that it will not easily be dismissed.
Explanation Your explanation sentence/s should be 1 or 2 sentences long and may be a definition if it is relevant to the topic. Example: ‘One of the typical characteristics of fantasy is time travel. Jumanji utilises the technique of switching time periods throughout the movie.’ .
E - Evidence What is your evidence? Without evidence, you are relying on your own opinion. Evidence could include a quote from the text (or movie) which provides evidence to support your statement in your topic sentence.
Evidence Evidence may also be observations of something that you experienced (saw, heard, felt) within the text or movie. Your evidence sentences in each paragraph should be 1 to 2 sentences long.
Evidence Providing evidence in essays is critically import as it backs up what you are trying to say by adding support to your main points. Example: ‘It begins with Alan as a ten year old boy, but then skips ahead twenty six years to when he is released from the game. When the game is completed, time moves forward again to show Alan and Sarah as a married couple hosting a Christmas party.’
Linking sentence How does this paragraph relate to the essay topic? This sentence is a summary of what you have been writing about within your paragraph. It is a response to your topic sentence.
Linking sentence Your linking sentence may also link one paragraph to the next. It is only 1 sentence long. Example: ‘The use of switching time periods is one indication of the fantasy genre in Jumanji and there are several others.’
Other rules of paragraphing to consider……. A paragraph should be 4 – 6 sentences long. It should explain ONE main idea. A new paragraph needs to be indented on the next line or even skip a line to begin with a new idea.
TEEL paragraph example The movie Jumanji has many aspects which help to characterise it as a fantasy film. One of the typical characteristics of fantasy is time travel. Jumanji utilises the technique of switching time periods throughout the movie. It begins with Alan as a ten year old boy, but then skips ahead twenty six years to when he is released from the game. When the game is completed, time moves forward again to show Alan and Sarah as a married couple hosting a Christmas party. The use of switching time periods is one indication of the fantasy genre in Jumanji and there are several others.
Essay topic How do the movies Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium and Jumanji address the typical characteristics of the fantasy genre?
Essay format suggestion 1 Introduction Summary of plot of movie 1 (1 paragraph) Explanation of fantasy techniques in movie 1 (1 – 3 paragraphs) Summary of plot movie 2 (1 paragraph) Explanation of fantasy techniques in movie 2 (1-3 paragraphs) Conclusion
Essay format suggestion 2 Introduction Summary of plot of movie 1 (1 paragraph) Summary of plot movie 2 (1 paragraph) Explanation of fantasy techniques as main idea with evidence from both movies (2 – 3 paragraphs) Conclusion
Reminder of fantasy characteristics Use of time travel Imaginary beings from other planets Animals/other objects that talk or act human Fantastic creatures may be part of a fantasy – unicorns, trolls, elves, etc. Sometimes characters speak a fantasy language. Conflicts involve magic or impossible strategies. * Remember that you need to provide evidence from each movie of the characteristics that you choose to write about.