Report Writing The Beginning
All reports need to be clear, concise and well structured planning & preparation Step One: Understanding the report the objective, the readers, any details or particular discussion in it. Important: you have to come to your instructor if you do not really understand the instructions and requirements. Step Two: Gathering and selecting information any relevant information from various sources. It is time for you to browse and read many articles, books, research papers, journals, anything to complete your report.
All reports need to be clear, concise and well structured planning & preparation Step Three: Organising you material grouping the information into important points for the report. The points should be straight forward. Cut any unimportant information. Focus on the instruction only. Step Four: Analysing your material take time to consider your points. What conclusion can be drawn from the material? What are the limitations in the evidence? Do certain pieces of evidence conflict with one another?
All reports need to be clear, concise and well structured planning & preparation Step Five: Writing the report. Introduce the main idea of the chapter / section / paragraph. Explain and expand the idea, defining any key terms. Present relevant evidence to support your points. Comment on each piece of evidence showing how it relates to your point(s) Conclude your section by either showing its significance to the report as a whole or making a link to the next section Step Six: Reviewing & redrafting reread your draft and put yourself on readers’ point of view. Is that what they want to know and read? Do you write in straight forward way? Step Seven: Presentation
First Task Requirements: a. Do movie research, literature research and article research to analyse. b. You are required to watch three movies with the same genre. There is a given movie. You must find the other two to complete the task. c. You are required to interview friends regarding the topic. The questions should be shown to your instructor before you collect the data. d. The data is presented a week before the mid-term test. Novels There are many novels becoming blockbuster movies. What makes the storybook interesting enough to be a movie? 1. Write the special characteristics of a novel to become a movie. 2. Show the evidence why certain novels are great to be movies.
The compulsory movie