Promoting Vision 2020: The Right to Sight to eliminate avoidable blindness through capacity building in Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia and the Caribbean Region Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean A Partnership between This project is funded by the European Union
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Project Objectives Reduce the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment amongst rural and poor populations in the Caribbean Strengthen collaboration and coordination between government, NGO and private stakeholders at regional and national level to support effective implementation of programmes for the provision of inclusive services to persons who are blind or visually impaired Build the capacity of Project Partners and V2020 Committees in Haiti, Guyana, Jamaica and St Lucia to establish and strengthen mechanisms and approaches to develop, implement and monitor eye health activities that increase access to services for persons who are blind and visually impaired.
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Problems to be addressed: Poor coordination between governments, NGOs and the private sector Lack of planning and weak implementation of national eye health strategies and plans Poor distribution of eye health personnel particularly in rural areas Insufficient eye health facilities and inadequate infrastructure Lack of awareness amongst health care personnel, decision makers and the general public.
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Key Project Activities Strengthening partner capacities, systems and processes through recruitment, training, technical support and networking activities Development, implementation and review of National Eye Care Plans with mentoring and support for V2020 Committees Skills development for eye health professionals, primary health care workers, teachers and program support staff Establishing/refurbishing, equipping and modernising public and NGO eye health facilities RAAB’s and eye health studies Developing eye health communications using IEC materials, TV, radio, newspapers and primary health care workers
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Outputs at Regional Level: The population of the four target countries (approx 13.3m) will be sensitised on eye health seeking behaviour and prevention of blindness 6 million children and adults will be screened 3 million people will be treated for the five priority diseases Over 75,000 surgeries or treatments will take place to prevent loss of, or restore sight 10 ophthalmologists, 15 optometrists, 23 refractionists, 54 low vision personnel, 1,240 primary & community health care workers and teachers, 21 spectacle lab personnel and 10 maintenance personnel 7 operating theatres, 13 vision centres and 5 spectacles labs
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Outputs for Haiti – Coordination, Infrastructure & Communications: CNPC representatives to attend Annual V2020 Meeting Provision of technical assistance to SHAA and CNPC-Haiti Support for eye health Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Studies (KAP) Establish 4 Vision Centres (diagnostic, refractive and low vision services)- Establish 3 Surgical Theatres Establish 1 Spectacle Lab National Communications/Awareness Program, including; −Media −Health professionals and policy makers −Community −World Sight Day and World Glaucoma Day activities
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Outputs for Haiti – Training: Scholarship for 3 Ophthalmologists (3 years course in Haiti) Scholarship for 4 Optometrists (4 years course in University of Guyana) Scholarship for 4 Refractionists (1 year course in University of Guyana) Training for 3 Low Vision specialists Training for 10 Low Vision Counsellors Sensitising of 360 Health Agents (Primary Health Care workers) Training for Dispensing Technicians, Spectacle Lab Technicians and Maintenance Technicians
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Schedule of Activities Activity CNPC representatives attend Annual V2020 Meeting Provision of technical assistance to SHAA and CNPC Support for eye health Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Studies (Max 4) 22 Establish 4 Vision Centres (diagnostic, refractive and low vision services) 1 (Eliazard Germain) 2 (St. Marc & SHAA) 1 Establish 3 Surgical Theatres 1 (Eliazard Germain) 1 (St. Marc) 1 Establish 1 Spectacle Lab 1 (SHAA) National Communications/Awareness program Vehicle for project & outreach 1 Support Ongoing Ongoing
Schedule of Activities Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Activity Scholarship 3 Ophthalmologists (3 year course in Haiti) 3 Scholarship 4 Optometrists (4yr course in University of Guyana) 13 Scholarship 4 Refractionists (1yr course in University of Guyana) 211 Train 3 Low Vision specialists 3 Train10 Low Vision Counsellors 10 Train 360 Health Agents (Primary Health Care workers) Train 4 Dispensing Technicians, 2 Spectacle Lab Technicians & 2 Maintenance Technicians Activity Scholarship 3 Ophthalmologists (3 year course in Haiti) Scholarship 4 Optometrists (4yr course in University of Guyana) Scholarship 4 Refractionists (1yr course in University of Guyana) 22 Train 3 Low Vision specialists 3 Train10 Low Vision Counsellors 10 Train 360 Health Agents (Primary Health Care workers) Train 4 Dispensing Technicians, 2 Spectacle Lab Technicians & 2 Maintenance Technicians students for 3 years 3 students
Delivering V2020 in the Caribbean - Haiti Funding, Duration & Support Project 74% funded by the European Commission Component funding – 26% from Sightsavers & CCB 5 year project Commencing January 2010, ending December 2014 Technical support from Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and International Centre for Eye Care Education (ICEE) Further details available from SHAA, CNPC, CCB and Sightsavers