Diversity management in Brussels Legislation Charter Action Plan Label
Legislation European directives (2000/43 & 2000/78) Belgian laws (10 May 2007) Gender Origins (> 30/07/1981 law against racism and xenophobia) Discriminations Brussels legislation (4 September 2008) Private sector & intermediates Public sector (regional administrations) Public sector (communal administrations)
Company Diversity Charter Initiative from the Brussels’ Minister of Employment and the Association of Brussels Enterprises (UEB-VOB) 19th of December 2005: the first 50 Brussels’ companies signed the Brussels’ diversity charter September 2009: 140 charters signed
Company Diversity Charter 3 types of Charters: Private companies Non profit organisations Public institutions Different types of companies: Big (Axa, Carrefour, Manpower, L’Oréal…) SME (EXKi, Cofinimmo, Jani-king…) Companies with different activities : construction, merchandising, chemistry, services…
Company Diversity Charter Communication tool (internal and external) Objective: 2005-2007: communication and commitment Sinds 2007: commitment towards drawing up and implementing a diversity plan (all the new signatories use this tool to communicate the beginning of their diversity action plan)
Diversity Action Plan 6 groups of recipients: Nationality (UE 27 vs non UE 27) Handicaps Gender Juniors (-26 years) Seniors (45 years and +) Less educated (without Certificate of Higher Secondary Education)
Diversity Action Plan 4 domains of intervention: Recruitment & selection Human Resources Management Internal communication & sensibilisation External communication
Diversity Action Plan 4 steps: Brussels’ support: Analysis of the full staff (quantitative and qualitative) Company specific diversity actions (in function of the analysis) with targets + timing + budget Official agreement of the decision-making body Evaluation (after 2 years) Brussels’ support: Logistic support: 4 diversity consultants Financial support: up to 10.000 €
Brussels Diversity Label If positive evaluation of the first diversity plan, the company may ask for a Brussels diversity label. Communication tool to show the first action plan was a success. Development tool (2 years). To ask for a new label, the company has to implement a new diversity plan that will have to get a positive evaluation.
More info… www.diversite.irisnet.be Audrey Leenaerts Diversity consultant 0032 (0)499/966.376 aleenaerts@actiris.be