By- Jonathan Asher Rickey Haggins
At the end of the movie, Mr. Kraler says that the robber reported the Frank’s hiding spot Who is this robber?
As the period of hiding went on for longer, the hiders became less careful. Curtains were opened beyond just a crack, rooftop windows inadvertently stayed open, accidental noises became more frequent, and so on. All in all, the visible evidence showed the world outside that there were people in the building after office hours. People in the outside world may quite innocently have mentioned this in conversation, which could have been overheard by the wrong people
On a warm summer day, 4 German and Dutch police pulled up to 263 Prinsengracht Asked Willem van Maaren where the Jews were hiding Gave the Jews away Van Maaren was the main suspect for 20 years Investigated shortly after the war, but nothing was proved
Interviewed twice- in 1948 and in 1963 Van Maaren committed the warehouse thefts of which he was suspected, yet there is no evidence to support betrayal. Investigation closed in 1964 Willem van Marren dies in 1971
A member of the Dutch Nazi-party(NSB) Met with Otto Frank in April 1941 According to writer Carol Anne Lee, this is the person who betrayed the Franks
Tleast likely candidate for the role of betrayer. Her husband Lammert worked in the stockroom on Prinsengracht she worked as a cleaner there also
The Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD) reopened their archives in light of two new theories about the betrayal of Anne Frank. The first, in Melissa Muller’s Anne Frank: the Biography asserted a claim against Lena van Hartog. The second in Carol Ann Lee's The Hidden Life of Otto Frank concluded that Tonny Ahlers was indeed guilty. As both were supported by circumstantial evidence neither could be substantiated. NIOD concluded that the identity of the betrayer is still unknown.
To this day, no-one has been able to answer that question with certainty, and the definite answer will probably never be known.