What is Title I and How Can I be Involved? Annual Parent Meeting Pierce Elementary
Definition of Title I: Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I is allocated to schools based on the percentage of student receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40% are eligible for a schoolwide program.
Pierce Elementary Operates a as a School-Wide Title I Program
Schoolwide means: The school uses Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement. Title I funds will be used to provide additional assistance to all students who experience difficulties in meeting the State’s performance targets.
To be a “School-wide” School: The school must have a free/reduced lunch count of at least 40%. The school must collect and analyze data that effects student achievement. The school must develop a comprehensive site plan and annually review the effectiveness of the plan.
Pierce Elementary Title I Schoolwide Program
Planning Team: Comprehensive and Effective Planning Highly motivated Leadership Team comprised of teachers that understand and care about Pierce Elementary students and their future. Focus on Curriculum Focus on Professional Development for Staff Focus on ways to increase Parental Involvement Creates and Reviews (quarterly) School Plan
Summary: Curriculum – Focused on integrating Reading & Mathematics throughout the curriculum in order to optimize time dedicated to focusing instruction on building skills and increasing the delivery of content. Oklahoma Academic Standards Classroom Evaluation and Assessment – Utilizing student data to meet the needs of all students no matter what level. Teachers classrooms have an open door policy so that school and district administrators can visit their classroom and conduct frequent curriculum walk-throughs Students will be assessed many times throughout the year (District Benchmarks, EasyCBM, frequent classroom assessments, early childhood screeners) Academic Learning and Performance – All teachers will use scientifically- based strategies during instruction in order to increase student engagement and performance as well as collaborating with one another so that optimal results are achieved. Daily ON TASK Instruction Frequent Assessment & Skill Specific Interventions Intercession – Fall, Winter, and Spring
Summary: Professional Learning Environment – Commitment to teacher/parent/student communication so that a team approach is geared towards increasing each individual student’s academic performance Positive Behavioral & Intervention Systems Student Data Driven Instruction Professional Learning Communities Book Studies Weekly Professional Development Student, Family, and Community Support – Ensuring all students have access to support systems (internally & externally) so that their emotional, social, and behavioral needs are met and academic progress can occur. Positive Behavioral & Intervention Systems Great Expectations Intercession Quarterly Parent Academic Nights Collaborative Leadership – Effective Leaders Non-negotiable instructional practices AND accountability for staff
Pierce Elementary SCHOOL WIDE GOALS FOR Pierce Elementary students will read at or above grade-level before being promoted. Students that are receiving specialized reading interventions will meet the yearly goals that are clearly stated in their Individual Educational Plan. Student reading levels will be determined by analyzing all available data including, but not limited to: STAR 360, District Benchmarks, State Assessments (CRT or CCSS), and anecdotal observations. By May 2016, 80% of Pierce Elementary Students will score proficient on Oklahoma Academic Standards Assessments. We will ensure students participate in daily instruction of an integrated curriculum (Reading, Mathematics, Science, History, Writing, and Technology) that includes engaging, cooperative activities that will increase their problem solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills so that they are able to clearly express their thought process in writing (using a computer) and verbally. As a staff, we recognize that key components to meeting our goals include student and staff attendance and strong parental support. Therefore, additional goals for the school years include: Increasing opportunities for parents to visit and/or volunteer at school (at least once per month) Increasing student attendance to 97% Increasing staff attendance to 96%
Curriculum and Instructional Strategies: Oklahoma Academic Standards Great Expectations Treasures (Reading) Everyday Math Marzano’s Model for Instruction Integrated Curriculum Differentiated Instruction Frequent Assessments & Benchmark Testing Intercession
Parent Involvement Policy See District Student-Parent Handbook See Pierce Elementary Compact
Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement As soon as state testing results are available, each parent will receive a report that will give details regarding their child’s performance. Teachers are always available (and are strongly encouraged) to discuss your child’s assessment results to help you better understand their performance and ways to help them improve.
Parent’s Right to Know – Non-Highly Qualified Teachers Schools are required to notify parents if their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher that is not highly qualified.
How Can You Be Involved?
Parent Involvement Opportunities Attend Parent Conference – at least twice a year and any additional requests Attend Academic Parent Nights Converse regularly with your teacher regarding your child’s progress Volunteer in the classroom and at school!
Right to Request Meetings Upon the request of parents, the school must provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school must respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
Contact Information Paula Pluess, Principal