A successful approach to deradicalisation “Radicalisation and Violent Extremism – Disengagement, prevention, monitoring” - Barcelona, 14th October
Who is Violence Prevention Network? A network of experts in prevention of extremism and deradicalisation A nationwide operating NGO An interface between practice and science An organisation appreciated by the federal and regional governments cross-party 2
Mission statement Enable young people who are arrested for ideologically motivated, violent offenses or terrorist acts to change their behaviour, to live a responsible and non- violent life and to develop distance to inhuman ideologies. 3
Violence Prevention Network‘s portfolio Violence Prevention Network Work with radicalised people, focus: djihadists and returnees Deradicalisation in prison with extremist violent offenders Work with people at risk of radicalisation Prevention of radicalisation Family counselling in islamist context International projects (consultancy + development of networks) Academy (Advanced vocational training, consultancy, evaluation, publications) 4
Current projects (October 2015) Islamism Taking Responsibility – Breaking away from Hate and Violence – Deradicalisation in prison (AKT®) MAXIME Berlin – Intercultural/interreligious prevention programme Empowerment of muslim communities – Advice centre BAHIRA - Şehitlik Mosque Berlin Advice Centre COMPASS Family counselling Advice Centre Hesse Right-wing extremism Taking Responsibility – Breaking away from Hate and Violence – Deradicalisation in prison (AKT®) KOMMENT – Advanced vocational training for multipliers Präfix –Prevention of radicalisation for children of parents in prison CROSSROADS – Counselling, prevention, deradicalisation International ENoD – European Network of Deradicalisation RAN – Radicalisation Awareness Network of the European Commission Impact Europe 5
The Method: Education of Responsibility - Verantwortungspädagogik ® Voluntariness Setting up a dialogue Building a stable relationsship (the trainer personality is more relevant than methodogical details) Building personal independence (group approach) Gaining insights rather than conditioning Behaviour and patterns of justification are equally relevant Setting up an emotional memory (no change of behaviour without ability for empathy) 6
Deradicalisation in prison (AKT®) Support for parents of islamist inspired radicalised persons Intention: Guiding and supporting parents in their communication process with their radicalised children Preventing the recruitment of vulnerable youths as “holy warriors” or “foreign fighters” months (115 h) of training in prison Group Size: max. 8 participants Group sessions supplemented by one-on-one interviews Release preparation: integration of relatives Step 1: Participation in derad. programme Establishing stable relationships Desisting from violent behaviour Respectful approach - Non-degrading methods Individual biographical interviews (life history/family issues) Critical analysis of the offence Alternative conflict management Civic Education of democratic principles Questioning of (ideological) justification Step 2: Stabilisation Coaching after Release Duration: 6-12 months Identical trainers as in prison Regular meetings Regular phone consultancy (24/7) Integration of relatives Transfer of learning-experience (Real-Life-Test) Crisis Intervention Preparation of social re-integration Establishing stable relationships outside prison Structuring daily routines Integration into job market
Regional expansion of the programme until Start of the programme in Brandenburg with bias-motivated juvenile offenders inclined towards right-wing extremist ideology 2003 Start of Stabilisation Coaching after release 2004 Start of the programme in Sachsen-Anhalt and Mecklenburg- Vorpommern 2006 Expansion to the target group of bias-motivated juvenile offenders inclined towards radical Islam 2007 Start of the programme in Hamburg, Berlin, Niedersachsen 2008 Start of the programme in Bremen 2009 Start of the programme in Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen; start of the programme in the field of youth detention in Brandenburg and Berlin 2010 Start of the programme in Thüringen; start of the international cooperation with Northern Ireland; start of the programme in the field of youth detention in Hamburg 2011 The programme takes place in 10 federal states Programme starts in prisons with male adults imprisoned because of terrorist acts Start of the programme in Hesse 8 Partner Penal Institutions Wriezen (Brandenburg) - Berlin - Hamburg - Hameln (Lower Saxony) - Wiesbaden (Hesse) - Regis-Breitingen (Saxony)
Participants of Prison trainings – in total 9
Re-incarceration rate* of the VPN-participants in comparison 10 Re-incarceration for a violent felony Re-incarceration for other offences 13,3 % 41,5% VPNAverage 17,6 % 45,1% VPNAverage Recidivism rate total 52,1 % 75,9% VPNAverage * comp.: Untersuchung zur Legalbewährung der Teilnehmer an Trainingskursen im Jugendstrafvollzug, Lukas, 2012
Julia Reinelt Violence Prevention Network Alt-Moabit Berlin Germany Contact information 11