Fourth Grade New Things To Remember Monday is a B Day, Tuesday is a C Day, Wednesday is a D Day, Thursday is an A Day, and Friday is a B Day. Each class will be having their own class store at the end of the month. The students are given money each week. The students can also earn extra money and have money taken away depending on behavior and work habits. The last week of the month we have a class store where the students can use their money to purchase various items. Every month each class needs donated items such as snack bags (Cheetos, Doritos, etc…), candy bars, sugar free gum, big suckers, juice boxes, small toys or items from the dollar store or Target, books, Legos, etc… This store can not take place without your wonderful donations! Thanks for your help! The students love the class store day! Please check over your child’s homework each evening and help your child when needed. Then model how to pack up your child’s homework and other important items, so that your child comes back to school prepared. Modeling at this age really helps your child learn routines. What’s Happening Important Dates WEDNESDAY-August 26 th -All of Fourth grade will be going to Bradley Elementary from 10:45-11:50. There will be a bus safety presentation and then an introduction to the Planetarium/Educational Theater/Dome. August 28 th -Mac Spirit Day-Wear Mac shirts or MacArthur Blue September 1 st (Tuesday)-Picture Day September 4th –No School-Teacher In-Service Day September 7th-Labor Day- No School September 11 th -Freedom Walk-More information will coming soon! Friday September 18th and 25th -Early Dismissal at 1:30 October 2-Half Day-Dismissal at 11:30 October 12 th -No School-Columbus Day October 15 Parent Teacher Conferences after school October 16 Parent Teacher Conferences-No School August 24-28, 2015 Academics Spelling: Our spelling words have a Long A and I pattern. The spelling test will be on Friday. Language Arts: We are learning how to write a quality 4 th grade paragraph using a topic sentence, 3 details along with 3 tell me more sentences, and a closing sentence. Math: Your child should be able to explain the difference between place and value. Your child should be able to write numbers in standard, base 10, expanded, and word form. Reading: We are currently working on “active” reading strategies to help our students become better readers. We will begin flexing for reading the first week of September. Social Studies: We are learning about the three branches of government and the various levels of government as well as the rights and responsibilities of U.S citizens. Then we will be introducing our study of the five remain regions of United States. Thank you to all the parents who came to school for Parent/Teacher conferences. We enjoyed learning about your child through your eyes. School Spirit Wear will go on sale soon! So, if your child does not yet have a Mac t- shirt or sweatshirt you will be able to purchase one soon. More information will be coming. It is very important that you check your child’s agenda each evening. Ask your child about his/her homework too! Math homework is given on a regular basis and the only way to prepare for a test is by completing practice homework. You are encouraged to help your child, especially with math. If you see your child is still struggling or if you see a mistake your child is making on the math homework, write a little note for his/her math teacher! Then, we can give your child some extra help at school as well. We want ALL of our students to be successful!