Chance B – Information 1989: first enterprises / employment for 7 persons 2006: 23 enterprises with 220 Employees supporting about 1600.


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Presentation transcript:

Chance B – Information

1989: first enterprises / employment for 7 persons 2006: 23 enterprises with 220 Employees supporting about 1600 persons in daily life and employment 1994: Chance B SozialbetriebsGmbH 2002: Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Bildung der Chance B – GmbH 2003: Gemeinnützige ArbeitsintegrationsGmbH Gleisdorf 2006: Hausmasters DienstleistungsGmbH 2006: Chance B Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH Association Chance B

Chance B Goal of the organisation To work for, that old, sick and disabled persons are able to live independently in the region Eastern Styria with high quality of life Chance B offers a wide range of services to support persons with disabilities and their daily life surroundings (families, schools, communities, enterprises, housing, leisure time) for little babies as well as elderly persons

Chance B History The association was founded in 1986 by parents of children with a disability and teachers of a special school. At that time children with severe disabilities in Austria were not allowed to get education within the school system. They had to live in pschiatric institutions (only with medical care) or at home (without support for them and the parents). Chance B started to realize the right to education for all in schools and developed step by step high quality services supporting people during their whole life.

Chance B New goal A life like everybody else = goal of our work = methodological concept (you only can learn to live like everbody else if you live like everybody else)

Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Bildung der Chance B – GmbH assistence in schools daycenter BASIS in Pischelsdorf (for persons with complex needs) sheltered workshops in Gleisdorf and Labuch (daily life oriented) sheltered workshops with production in Gleisdorf (little restaurant in schools, carpenter) basic trainig for young people in Labuch (bakery, farmhouse, gardener) employment support services (Clearing, Arbeitsassistenz, Employment advice service, Job Coaching, Berufsausbildungsassistenz, Job Allianz) Hausmasters (services in and around houses) Association Chance B

Chance B SozialbetriebsGmbH early intervention & familiy support services (interdisciplinary) Ambulatorium (Physiotherapie, Logopädie, Ergotherapie, music therapy) support services for families support services for housing (mobile) Medical home care 51% association Chance B – 49% 12 communities

Gemeinnützige ArbeitsintegrationsGmbH Gleisdorf Qualification services for employment (with limited employment periods per person for maximum 1 year) training office services Restaurant Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Bildung der Chance B GmbH

Hausmasters DienstleistungsGmbH Enterprise, which employs persons with disabilities for a long time period services for industries (production, employers leasing) cleaning services (for offices, houses, after building and rebuilding periods) outdoor cleaning (gardens, parks,...) Transports Coordination of smaller building- and rebuilding phases for private customers Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Bildung der Chance B GmbH

Chance B Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH - constructing and building of houses - Administration of real estates for the other Chance B - enterprises Gesellschaft für Arbeit und Bildung der Chance B GmbH

Some economical figures 6,8 Millionen Euro turn over per year (2006) 220 employers persons supported by the different services, 80 of them in part day services with mobile and ambulant services km per year driven in the region Eastern Styria (rural aerea) 220 person per year supported to find a job in the labour market Chance B als Wirtschaftsbetrieb

Networks on european level EASPD, european projects (f.e.: IME, Tolerance or acceptance, europe a place to live, EQUAL projects private public partnerships and Styria Integra, Quality of life measures, happy farm,...) in Austria Umbrella association of Arbeitsassistenz Austria, Umbrella association Die Steirische Behindertenhilfe, Umbrella association of social economic enterprises Styria on regional level labor pact Eastern Styria, network of NGOs eastern styria, social and economic thinking factory, regional projects with regional partners Networking

23 services cooperate Chance B as network Daycare BASIS Sheltered workshops Vocational trainings supported Employment services Hausmasters Assistence for Schools Early intervention services Ambulatorium Suupport Services For parents Support Services for housing Medical home care Training office Services for Vocational training Restaurant Real estates And facility management

Jeder Mensch lebt in sozialen Bezügen

Chance B Advice Peer counceling Drehscheibe individual Peer – parents counceling Professional councelling Advice for communities and governments development of community based services

Thank you