TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 51 Date: Nov 3/4, 2011 Titles: “Unit Cover for Constitutional Period” Page 50 Causes of Rev War Quiz Rev War Battles Quiz Test Scantron WIO: Unit Extension Activity- go to my website and select the Unit extension activity that suits your performance on the last test. Turn in your storyboard next class
TITLE: Page 53 Homework: Finish WIO. Log in and Create Student Account on Edmodo.Com Group Code- nd2fji Date:Nov 7/8, 2011 Titles: “Ch. 11 Vocab, Features of Articles of Confederation” Page 52 RAP: Creating America p “Issues after the War” Write 6 bulleted notes * WIO: Draw a cartoon of the different features of the Articles of Confederation. Use color and detailed pictures to help you understand each one. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 11 Section 1 and 2 Vocab”- please show me 3)Discussion of Rev War Test- Complete Test Tracker for each goal 4)“Features of the Articles of Confederation”- If absent, I have attached a key. Please read through highlighting key words and problems 5)WIO 6)Quick Check on Understanding- need to complete if absent! How did elements of the Articles of Confederation lead to failures in our 1 st government?
TITLE: Page 55 Homework: Finish Nameplate in preparation for Convention Log in and Create Student Account on Edmodo.Com Group Code- nd2fji Date:Nov9/10, 2011 Titles: “Shays’ Rebellion, Opening of the Convention Notes” Page 54 RAP: Creating America p. 230 “A Voice from the Past” S O A P S Tone: WIO: Mini-Assessment on Opening of the Convention-If absent, NEED TO TAKE ASAP WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW-AOC Cartoon Strip- WIO p. 52- need to show me if absent 3)“Shays’ Rebellion”- 5 W’s 4)“Opening of the Convention” Use History Alive p and follow outline to write notes as you read. 5)Constitutional Convention Preparation Why was the Constitutional Convention necessary for our country? Analyze the characteristics of this meeting.
TITLE: Page 57 Homework:Study for quiz on Articles of Confederation and Convention Complete the front side of “A Look at the Constitution” *Post a comment on Edmodo.com Date:Nov 14/15, 2011 Titles: Convention Personality, Constitutional Convention Notes” Page 56 RAP: Convention Invitation- 5 w’s WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY WIO: Convention Mini Assessment WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW= Nameplate- “Convention Personality”- need to turn in for a grade 3)Constitutional Convention Notes and Debrief- If absent, I have printed notes for you. 4)WIO How did compromise lead to a more effective government for the US?
TITLE: Page 59 Homework: 1) Complete Bill of Rights side of “A Look at the Constitution” 2) Finish WIO notes from NC Book 3) Memorize Preamble to the Constitution for Extra Credit. Due Tuesday, Nov. 29th Date:Nov 16/17, 2011 Titles: “A Look at the Constitution, A New Nation” Page 58 RAP: NC Book p.215 “Political Cartoon” Read the caption and answer the two questions in complete sentences. * WIO: Read the three main sections in NC Book p Write main idea and two supporting details for each paragraph. This may need to be on a separate sheet of paper and then taped in or started high on this page. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW= “ A Look at the Constitution”-please show me and check answers! 3)AOC and Convention Quiz- if absent, need to make up ASAP! 4)“ A New Nation”- video guide. I have attached key 5)WIO How did our country react to the new Constitution and its established roles and responsibilities of the Federal Government? Describe.
TITLE: How do the Bill of Rights impact US citizens today? Page 61 Homework: 1)Complete Odds of Study Guide for New Nation 2)Post on Edmodo your amendment that you created in today’s WIO 3)Memorize Preamble to the Constitution for Extra Credit. Due Tuesday, Nov. 29th Date:Nov 18/21, 2011 Titles: “Federalist/Anti-Federalist Notes, Bill of Rights Chart” Page 60 RAP: Which Bill of Right do you believe is the most significant in our lives as American citizens today? Explain your answer with supporting details in an 8 th grade quality paragraph. WIO: Write your own amendment that has not been written addressing current needs in our society. Ex. Write one about technology use or nutrition. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- Bill of Rights 3)“Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists” Cornell Notes- I have attached notes for you. 4)“Bill of Rights” notes using the chart provided. If absent, do not worry about skit rating column. Fill in the rest using textbook. 5)WIO
TITLE: How does separation of powers in the 3 branches reinforce the idea of republicanism in the US Constitution? Page 63 Homework: 1)Study for Test, prepare for NB check, complete UC 2)Post on Edmodo 3)CASTLE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS (4) due Nov. 30!!! 4)Memorize Preamble to the Constitution for Extra Credit. Due Tuesday, Nov. 29th Date:Nov 22/28, 2011 Titles: “New Nation Study Guide, Jobs of the 3 branches” Page 62 RAP: NC 236, Create your own visual of checks and balances. Be creative with 3 part visual. How do checks and balances protect the rights of US citizens? WIO:Complete Unit Cover. Place the following in sequential order and explain in 8th grade quality how each helped form the government we have today. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, US CONSTITUTION, POLITICAL PARTIES, SHAYS REBELLION, ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION WOW: 1)RAP-Discuss Checks and Balances 2)Check HW- “Study Guide for New Nation” 3)Finish Bill of Rights Skits 4)“Jobs and Responsibilities of 3 Branches”- follow instructions on sheet to label on chart 5)3 Branches Scavenger Hunt-if time allows 6)WIO
TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 65 Date: Nov 29/30, 2011 Titles: “Unit Cover for Expansion” Page 64 AOC and Convention Quiz Test Scantron WIO: Unit Extension Activity If absent, you are missing the test and notebook check! Please schedule a time, ASAP, to make-up! 1)TEST/NOTEBOOK CHECK -On scantron, Answer the following: a. What grade do you expect to make on this test? b. Did you do better or worse on this test than the goal you set for yourself prior to seeing the test? c. Was this test easier or harder than the last test? d. Why? 2) Be sure to complete Unit Extension Activity and Homework 3) Homework- Ch. 11 Sections 3 and 4 Vocabulary Words- 15 words. Put on page 67 of notebook