The Art of Computing: programming in the high school classroom Pete Benson FlexTech High School Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellow
Agenda context my practice tools we use what I have learned what will you do?
Context FlexTech High School diverse student body widely varying abilities widely varying experience levels focus on engagement
my practice immerse them in technology my site: calendar: everyone builds a website student work: widely varying abilities widely varying experience levels for me, focus is on engagement!
tools we use All free (except for Minecraft client). Don’t be intimidated… Scratch (cloud-based at WordPress (hosting at, or install on your own host) Processing (Java-based graphics programming from Games: Brackets from git and, local and cloud-based HTML/CSS/JavaScript (Brackets + browser) FTP client such as CyberDuck from Minecraft modding with ScriptCraft See Example: Student selected tools: PHP, C++, Unity3D, Python, Stencyl
cross-curriculum examples Calculus: Chemistry: n3/ n3/ History: / / Digital Library Project:
what I have learned about students: they don’t always know what we think they know… but they also often know something I don’t know about teaching with computers: let students see you learning from them (more on this later) students will work outside of class even if it is not assigned work projects can go on, and on. I’m not sure what to think of this… about the tools Scratch, Processing, Wordpress, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Minecraft
what will you do? While programming background is helpful, you don’t need a computer science cert to get students going with computational thinking There are great tutorial resources to get you started Hour of Code hourofcode.comKhan Academy CodeCademy Ask the world for help on But the world might not like your question, so… Can we create a supportive community, covering How to get started Lesson plans Video tutorials