Functional Vision Evaluation Tips on getting it done
This is Important!! A Functional Vision Evaluation is one of the most important aspects of your job as a professional in visual impairment Helps guide instructional programming Helps identify needs and solutions Provides information upon which others will base assessment COMS Diagnostician and others
Use a Framework Follow your protocol (especially when you are new!) It will help ensure you don’t miss anything It will help you to record information It will also help you identify items you want to look at again
Select Appropriate Materials Make targets interesting and age/ability appropriate Use language/gestures that the student can understand and/or will respond to appropriately Match tests to the students ability Reading materials Non-verbal LEP Hearing
Timing Be as quick as you can… But Allow time for the student to respond– DON’T RUSH (you can and should come back)
Control the Environment Avoid distractions Don’t overstay Adapt to the student May not want to put all your materials out May want to let the child “assess”you Build rapport
Have Back-ups Lights Pens Paper Markers
Do your Homework Pre-Observation Records review Observations Protocol Completions Additional Direct Assessment Write recommendations Write final report
Use Your Time Make your observations count See what other students are doing Observe interactions Assess functioning in different environments Different lighting Different times of day Different settings Observe/Interview other teachers or staff who are successful with the student you can learn a lot and build rapport
Ask Questions Interview Parents Interview Teachers Observe/Interview other teachers or staff who are successful with the student You can learn a lot and build rapport You can also find out if you are getting the best effort from the student
Make your Report Useful Help others understand what the student’s condition Make useful and practical recommendations Be available to assist, explain, or provide training
Provide Descriptions and Explanations Give examples of abilities Explain all terms Use language that can actually help others help your student
YOU MUST ALSO ADDRESS NEW LEGISLATION Include a COMS as part of your assessment team Complete an evaluation of the expanded core curriculum (ECC) needs of the student EVALS Kit Other tool used locally AND YOU MUST deliver instruction in the areas of need identified
Use Your Assessments They determine needs – what areas you need to address They drive your planning -IEP development They drive your service time - ***New scale called the VISSIT coming soon They determine where YOU can make a difference