Psych DMA Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following: 1.Write down the vocabulary word and definition. 2.Choose ONE of these options and complete it. Draw a picture that illustrates/explains the vocabulary word. Rewrite the definition in your own words. Write a sentence that includes the term and the information from the definition. Set A tendency to solve problems in the same old way over and over.
Today’s Agenda DMA Continue discussing GardnerHomework Conditioning Experiment – due Tuesday, April 17 th
Please take out your Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Handout….
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Linguistic Logical Mathematical
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences 1.Identify an intelligence that you are strongest in. 2. Move around the room and find a partner. 3. Using only body movements to tell your partner the what intelligence you are strongest in. –No talking or writing. 4. Move on, find a new partner and repeat the process.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences A little brain teaser…. A little brain teaser…. The island of Elbonia have a rather eccentric postal system. Postage for an item can be anything from 1 dinar to 15 dinari, and you must use exact postage. Frustratingly, there is only space on the envelopes in Elbonia to attach a maximum of three stamps. What is more, they only have three different denominations of stamps, can you work out what they are? Answer: 1 dinari, 4 dinari, 5 dinari.We must be able to create 1, so we must have a 1 dinari stamp. As we need to create all numbers from 1 up to 15 it's easiest to think about the start and end. We must have 1 to create 1, and we also need 5 to create 15 ( ). The missing value can't be above 5 otherwise we can't make 4.If the other value was 1 or 2, there would be no way to make 13. If the other value was 3 or 5, there would be no way to make 12. So 4 is the only value it could be.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences A little brain teaser…. A little brain teaser…. Using the BrainTracker grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central M and no letter can be used twice. The letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 38 words. Good: 31 words. Average: 24 words. WIEWIEWIEWIE HMLHMLHMLHML AENAENAENAEN
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences All words: ahem, aim, alme, almeh, am, amen, ami, amie, amin, amine, anime, elemi, elm, em, eme, enamel, haem, haemin, halm, ham, hame, helm, hem, hemal, heme, hemin, hemline, hiemal, him, hm, lam, lame, lawmen, leman, lima, liman, lime, limen, limn, ma, mae, mail, maile, main, male, maline, man, mane, maw, mawn, me, meal, mealie, mean, meanie, MEANWHILE, mel, men, menial, mew, mewl, mi, mien, mil, mile, mina, minae, mine, nam, name, neem, nema, nim, wame, whalemen, wham, wheelman, whelm, whim.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Form a group of 3-5 students Select a teacher Create a song OR write a poem about which of Gardner’s intelligences you think that teacher has Your song must be NICE & polite. You song/poem must be at least 10 lines long. If doing the song – you can use the tune from a famous song. At 12:56 – you will perform your song/poem for the class.