PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Meeting of the Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation October 2008, Istanbul Turkish Statistical System
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Outline 1.Historical Background 2.Legal Setting 3.Turkish Statistical System 4.Turkish Statistical Institute 5.Strategic Goals of TurkStat 6.Organizational Setting 7.Data Dissemination 8.Tools for Programming 9.Recent Works 10.International Cooperation
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 1. Historical Background 1874, The First Statistical Office 1891, Central Statistical Council at Bab-ı Alî (Prime Ministry of the Empire) 1918, Statistics Department 1926, The Central Statistical Department 1930, The General Directorate of Statistics (GDS) 1962, The State Institute of Statistics (SIS) 2005, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Primary Legislation Turkish Statistical Law, No: 5429 (18 November 2005) Secondary Legislation By-law on Statistical Council (5 May 2006) By-law on Data Quality Control Board (20 June 2006) By-law on Data Security and Confidentiality (20 June 2006) By-law on Training and Research Center (4 June 2006) By-law on Appointment by Means of Rotation of Turkstat Personnel (6 December 2007) Amendment to Turkish Statistical Law (submitted to Parliement in April 2008) 2. Legal Setting Proposal to adopt “Passive Confidentiality” Proposal to increase penalties and include some institutions in the law
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 2. Legal Setting (cont..) Basic Features of the Law Clear roles for TurkStat (Art. 1, 3, 5, 6) Strengthened power and authority of TurkStat (Art. 7, 8) TurkStat access to records and registers (Art. 9) Standardisation of national register system by TurkStat (Art. 10) Turkstat decides on national statistical classification systems (Art. 11) Acts to decrease burden on the respondents (Art. 3) Establishment of the Statistical Council (Art. 20)
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 3. Turkish Statistical System Centralised with specific task distribution to other institutions Main Actor: Turkstat, producing more than 85 % of all statistics organised under Prime Ministry Other Actors: Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, Undersecretariat of Treasury and other Ministries and institutions having administrative registers or databases serving statistical purposes
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 4. Turkish Statistical Institute MISSION With the aim of presenting economic and social structure of the country, to produce and disseminate statistics which are qualified, timely, reliable, objective and consistent with international standards respond to the expectations of decision makers, researchers and other users. VISION To become an information administrator of the country in the field of official statistics. OPERATION PRINCIPLES Quality, Reliability, Timeliness, Up- to-dateness, Professional Expertise, Objectivity and Transparency, Confidentiality in Individual Data, Focusing on Data Suppliers and Users.
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE to adopt New Methodologies and to produce New Statistics and Indicators to improve Content of Surveys and to increase Data Variety to improve Data Quality and Timeliness of Data to improve Register and Information Systems to decrease Response Burden to improve the Role of the Institution in the Field of Statistics to strengthen the Technical Capacity and Technological Infrastructure to increase Use of Statistics in the Public and to facilitate Access to Data 5. Strategic Goals of TurkStat
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 6. Organizational Setting Organization Chart of Turkstat President Legal Advisors Media and Public Relations Advisor Statistical Advisors 26 Regional Offices Training And Research Center Vice President Bureau of President
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Task Allocation Vice President Department of Agricultural &Environmental Statistics Department of Supporting Services Department of Social Statistics Department of Strategy Development Department of Human Resources Department of Methodology Department of National Accounts and Economic Indicators Department of Publication and Data Dissemination Department of Information and Communication Technology Department of Foreign Relations Revolving Fund Management Department of Industry and Business Statistics DATA DISSEMINATION BOARD DATA QUALITY CONTROL BOARD 6. Organizational Setting
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Regional Organization Regional offices are more efficient and functional Edirne İstanbul İzmir Bursa Kocaeli Zonguldak ANKARA Samsun Adana Antalya Trabzon Kars Van Gaziantep Denizli Konya Kayseri Malatya Diyarbakır Erzurum Nevşehir Kastamonu Hatay Siirt Manisa Balıkesir 6. Organizational Setting
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Staff HUMAN RESOURCES Permanent Staff1579 -Center880 -Regional Offices699 Temporary Staff1600 -Center197 -Regional Offices1403 TOTAL Organizational Setting
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Equipment Center Regional Offices Total Servers Personal Computers Laptop/Tablet Computers Organizational Setting
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 6. Organizational Setting in New Turkish Lira in Euro (app.) Budget
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 7. Data Dissemination Principles easy and equal access to data (no discrimination among users) low price (as possible) tilt towards more data on internet (without any fee) diversifying tools (paper prints, internet, , CD, teletex, SMS, etc.) user orientation (regular user satisfaction surveys ) National Data Release Calendar (for every official data, not only by Turkstat, but also for other public institutions) All publications in Turkish and English
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Regional Statistics Database Residence Based Population Register System Labour Market Statistics Prices Industrial Production, Trends, Employment, Wages Statistics External Trade Household Income and Consumption Expenditures Transport Statistics Environment Statistics National Accounts Agriculture Statistics Social Statistics General Election Results 7. Data Dissemination (cont..) Databases
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 8. Tools for Programming Official Statistics Program, 2007 – 2011 (division of work among institutions, 5 year) Strategic Plan, (strategies, 5 years) Performance Program, (Budget-related, 3 years) Activity Report (budget related)
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 9. Recent Works In addition to traditional production Residence Based Population Register System National Accounts Revision ICT Usage Survey (household and enterprises) Poverty Citizen Satisfaction Survey New Agriculture Surveys (enterprise based) Income and Living Conditions Survey Time Use Survey
PRIME MINISTRY REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE 10. International Cooperation Relations with the EU European Union Negotiations Eurostat –Turkstat Cooperation USST projects, Phase 1 and 2, Phare 2005, MBP2006, IPA 2007 Regional Cooperation Central Asian and Caucasian Countries OIC countries, ECO Countries BSEC Countries International Organizations UNSD, UNECE, ILO, WTO, IMF, WB, OECD Bilateral Cooperation with Other Countries Palestine, Syria, Afhganistan, South Korea etc.