Affinity Networking: The Most Meaningful Connections Mike Avery ’55 Paul Cashman ’73 Nancy Sverdlik ’79
Why Reach Out Through Affinities? Most classmates were affiliated as undergrads - 90% of classmates in 15 classes were in affinity groups - Each classmate averaged 2 affinities Affinities are tight-knit groups - 77% of affinity groups averaged 25 or fewer members People respond to people they know
Six Steps To Success 1.Start early and identify an Affinity Group Chair 2.Recruit a cadre of Affinity Group Leaders (AGLs) 3.Give AGLs a program and tools to succeed 4.Manage AGLs via frequent communications 5.Have fun at Reunion 6.Follow up after Reunion
1. Start Early and Organize Set participation goals February of the year before Reunion (Year 4 of the cycle) Have Affinity co-chairs in place by February or March of that same year Useful Affinity co-chair skills - Detail-oriented, strong follow-through - Excellent communications, especially written - Good people person
2. Recruit Cadre of AGLs: Identifying Potential AGLs Look at last Reunion’s attendees Ask class officers/council to recruit friends Ask for volunteers Use class data available from AAD - Class affinities spreadsheet
or call them and explain: - What you’re asking them to do - How much time they will spend, and when - What you’ll do to support them - Whether explicit fundraising is expected - Whether other people are being recruited for a large group 2. Recruit Cadre of AGLs: Signing Them Up
2. Recruit Cadre of AGLs: Timeline Jan- Feb (Y. 4 ) Mar Apr MayJunJulAugSep Compile list of potential AGLs Oct Define content of AGL kit Mail letter to them Develop and produce AGL kit materials non- responders Mail kits to AGLs
3. Give AGLs a Program to Succeed NovDec Jan (Y. 5) FebMarAprMay AGLs send postcards to members Jun AGLs get their kits Reunion packets mailed and online registration goes live AGLs send e-postcards to members Oct (Y. 4)
Welcome letter to the AGL Hard-copy and Excel list of AG members Reunion postcards, stamps, and preprinted address labels for AG members Sample flyer for AG-specific Reunion events Directions on sending e-postcards and posting events to class web site 3. Give AGLs Tools To Succeed: Participation Kit
Linked from Class Reunion page Lists all AGLs with addresses Lists AG-specific activities at Reunion Link to AG pictures from Reunion (participation tool for the next Reunion) 3. Give AGLs Tools To Succeed: AG Web Page
4. Manage AGLs Via Frequent Communication NovDec Jan (Y. 5) FebMarAprMay Kits go out Jun “How’s it going?” Registration call to action Oct (Y. 4) Best practices update Post-holiday update Registration progress update Call for AG fundraising volunteers “ Don’t you forget to come back & give back”
5. Have Fun at Reunion Reward successful affinity groups Identify/expand AGs and recruit new AGLs Encourage contact with absent classmates Capture AG moments on film for later use Listen to the stories, relax, and bask in success!
Class of ‘73 gave awards for: - Most members registered for Reunion - Greatest % of members registered for Reunion - Greatest % of members donating to Cornell Fund Patches were prizes 16 different affinities won prizes 5. Have Fun at Reunion: Affinity Group Awards
6. Follow Up After Reunion Make sure all members of winning affinities get their prizes Thank the AGLs; get their help to identify pictures of their groups; get pictures on web site Send letter/ to all Reunion attendees asking if anyone wants to form a new AG -Doesn’t have to be one that AAD tracks; they’ll add it for you Figure out how to top this next time
To Affinity and Beyond!