Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________________________ Hour: ________ Due Date:_________________________________ Page 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: _________________________________ Hour: ________ Due Date:_________________________________ Page 1

Directions: Keep all materials for this project in a two-pocket folder. You will hand it in this way. Make sure that it is clearly labeled with your name and the title of your career. Check each of the tasks off as you complete them. _______1. By _________ you will choose a career and get it approved by us before you finalize your choice. You can’t choose professional sports player, skateboarder, poker player, actor, rock star etc. Also jobs like waitress and bartenders don’t work for this project. Your career must require some kind of formal training, or education of some length. _______2. Research your career on the internet during class time. 1.) Fill out a source card for each source used. Your sources will consist of 3-4 internet sources and your interview. (4-5 sources total.) You must take at least three notes from a source for it to be considered a source for this project. 2.) Now, take notes from your sources. Put one idea per card. I will give you note cards. Paraphrase or use quotes around exact words copied from a source; otherwise, you are plagiarizing. (20 note cards minimum) _______3. Do an interview, in person, over the telephone, via , or locate a completed interview online. Interview someone who is working in this career or some career related to it. Search out your interview from parent, relatives etc. Use the interview questions given you, and then fill out a source card and transfer the interview answer to individual note cards. _______4. Once you have enough information, you will create an outline. This outline is due by ______________. Type your outline following the form and sample provided. Your project must have this requirement in order to be graded. _______5. Type a Works Cited page following the examples given. Your assignment must have this requirement in order to be graded. _______6. Powerpoint presentation and speech using the directions in this packet (pgs. 8-9 ) _______7. Extra Credit: Resume. See teachers for details. Page 2

Remember the following when taking notes: 1. Fill out a source card when you find a good source. Fill out the source card as completely as possible- you will have some blanks. Also, write your name on the source card and number each source. Any notes taken from that source should have that same number on it. 2.On each note card, put your name, page # of text and the source #. You do this so that when you do citations later, you know which source provided the info. 3.Do not use complete sentences. Write in phrases only. 4.Write only one main idea per card. You will use many cards. 5. Use your own words to summarize the information. You will then avoid plagiarism. Make every third word your own, at least. 6. Put quotation marks around any direct quotes from a person or exact words taken from a text. 7. Be looking for info on the topics listed on the outline and developing questions page in this booklet. Page 3

Career Project Outline Directions: After you have taken notes from the library, the internet and your interview, follow this format for your outline. Outline Model: I.Education/training A.Time spent to train or to get formal education required B.Degree or certification required for career C.Where to go for training or education D.Stepping stone jobs and experiences recommended E.Continuing training needed for advancement II.Career/Job Description A.Hours/Shifts B.Typical Day at work C.Job conditions D.Personality Traits/Skills needed E.Dress Requirements/Special equipment needed III.Salary/Benefits A.Beginning Salary-Ending Salary-Salary Range B.Job or career outlook for the future C.Benefits IV.Positive and negative aspects of the career A.Most challenging thing about the career B.Most rewarding thing about the career C.Advice from the interview Page 4

1.What kind of education or training is necessary for your job? 2.When did you decide on this career, and what drew you to it? 3.What was your career path? 4.What is the starting and ending salary for this career? 5.What is a typical day like for you? Also explain your working conditions. (schedule, benefits, workplace etc.) 6.What skills and personality traits are needed to be successful in this field? 7.What are the positive aspects of this job? What’s cool about it? 8.What are the negative aspects? What is challenging about it? 9.What is the job outlook for this career? Will there be a demand for it? 10.In conclusion, what words of advice would you give a person entering your field in the future? The Interview 1.Find someone that you can interview. The person you interview should… -work in the career field you are researching -have worked in the career field you are researching -have training in the career field you are researching 2.Politely set up an interview. Ask first if they would be willing to do an interview. You could do the interview in person, over the phone, or by mail or . 3.Do not ask inappropriate questions: How much do you make? 4.Be sure you fill out a source card. Spell your interviewee's name correctly and write down the date of the interview 5.Transfer all of your notes to note cards. 6.If you are unable to find someone with knowledge of your career, you may look for a published interview with someone in your career field online. Ask the following questions and any others that you may need… Page 5

Useful websites to help you along the way… (Click on explore careers, then click on find careers.) (Click on explore careers, then flash site, and then on the symbol for the cluster of careers you’re interested in.) (Click on the job cluster under the people.) (Sometimes this site is unavailable.) (On the left-hand side under exploring careers, click on careers and then scroll down for a listing.) (Use browse resources or use the key word search.) /careers/ (Go to the left-hand side and click on explore careers) (This site is in New Zealand, but has great info.) Page 6

Career Unit Final Project All projects will need to be turned in, in a folder. The folder should contain the following items:  Career Packet  Note Cards  Source Cards  Notes taken during the interview  Career Outline (Typed)  Work Cited Page (Typed)  PowerPoint Career Speech Page 7

You will need to present your collected information in a well practiced speech. You will need to include all items of your outline in your speech. This speech must be presented before the class on your assigned presentation day. Your speech will consist of:  Introduction  Body Paragraph 1-Education/Training  Body Paragraph 2-Career/Job Description  Body Paragraph 3- Salary/Benefits  Body Paragraph 4- Positive and Negative Aspects of the Career  Conclusion Your speech will be graded using the attached rubric. You will need to use a PowerPoint Presentation as a visual aide for your speech. This must come on a flash drive or cd the day of your presentation. You will not be allowed to log in under your name for your presentation. The requirements are found on page 9 for making your PowerPoint. Your grade will be based on the speech rubric on the following page. Page 8

Slides #1 & 6 Introduction/ Conclusion written out picture Plan your PowerPoint presentation. You must have six slides. If you do not have access to PowerPoint you may work on it after school at OASIS. Slide #1: Introduction: Paragraph or bullet form Slide #2: Education/Training: 5-7 bullet points Slide #3: Career/Job Description: 5-7 bullet points Slide #4: Salary/Benefits: 4-6 bullet points Slide #5: Positive and Negative Aspects: 4-6 bullet points Slide #6: Conclusion: Paragraph or bullet form Bullet Points are not complete sentences. They are phrases that state the most important points you want to share with your audience. Slides #2-5 picture bullets Page 9

Insert Rubric for PowerPoint Speech Here