CCSDS Navigation Working Group David Berry 04/20/2009
2 Purpose Introduce new members of the CCSDS Navigation Working Group to the technical program of the Working Group
04/20/20093 Agenda CCSDS Overview Navigation Working Group Overview Navigation Working Group Documents Q&A
04/20/20094 CCSDS & the Navigation Working Group CCSDS is an organization which acts as the “principal technical engine of ISO TC20/SC13” Develops international standards related to space data Organization chart at CCSDS consists of 6 general “Areas” Areas are partitioned into 34 smaller groups called “Working Groups” (WG), “Special Interest Groups” (SIG) and “Birds of a Feather Groups” (BOF) Each WG, SIG or BOF is associated with an Area NAV WG is part of CCSDS Mission Operations and Information Management Services Area (MOIMS) Charter is to produce CCSDS Recommendations for exchange formats of orbit, attitude, and tracking data
04/20/20095 CCSDS Areas (Overall Context) Cross Support Services Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Space Internetworking Services Space Link Services Mission Operations and Information Management Services Commodity Communications & Navigation Systems Systems Engineering Source: A. Hooke, NASA/JPL Ground Ground, Ground Flight Orbit Data Message (OPM/OMM/OEM) Attitude Data Message (APM/AEM) Tracking Data Message (TDM) XML Specification (NDM/XML) Flight Flight Orbit Data Message (OPM/OEM), Attitude Data Message (APM/AEM), Tracking Data Message (TDM) XML Specification (NDM/XML)
04/20/20096 Standards Development Process A “Concept Paper” suggests need for standardization Working Group chartered to develop Recommendation Working Group develops material (iterative process) Recommendation documents go through several stages: Proposed (“White”), Draft (“Red”), final (“Blue”), revised Draft (“Pink”) White Books are internal to the Working Group When White Book matures, promotion to Red Book Formal Agency Review process commences (3 months) When Agency Review is passed, prototyping is complete and test reports filed, promotion to Blue Book occurs ISO standards development process is entered at an advanced stage (FDIS) Revised Blue Books enter a draft stage colored “Pink” “Green Books” are non-normative technical reports Silver Book is historic, no longer normative.
04/20/20097 Nav WG Participating Membership The CCSDS Navigation Working Group has had regular participation from the following space agency/organizations: ASI CNES ESA ISO TC20/SC14/WG3 (Nav WG “sister organization”) JAXA NASA (JPL, GSFC, JSC) Agencies that have named representatives to the Nav WG, but have not recently participated, are: RFSA, DLR Other agencies that participate in CCSDS, but have not been involved in Navigation WG are: BNSC, CSA, INPE, CNSA (China National Space Administration)
04/20/20098 Nav WG Documents (“Color Coded”) Orbit Data Messages + Extensions Tracking Data Message Attitude Data Messages Navigation Data Messages / XML Specification Navigation Data—Definitions and Conventions The principal objectives for the Spring 2009 Meetings are to prepare the ODM Version 2 prototype test report, initiate the NDM/XML Agency Review (Red Book 2.0), discuss the updated Green Book draft, and plan for future standardization
04/20/20099 Orbit Data Messages + Extensions Two standard message formats for exchanging orbit descriptions, soon to be three Orbit Data Messages are used in daily operations Orbit Parameter Message (OPM) is a state vector (position and velocity at epoch, spacecraft properties, maneuvers, descriptive metadata); must be propagated Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) is an ephemeris (position and velocity at multiple epochs, descriptive metadata), allows modeling of any number of forces Orbit Mean Elements Message (OMM) is a new message type created via collaboration with ISO TC20/SC14; similar to OPM; Agency Review completed Work started ???, became CCSDS Blue Book 09/2004 (ISO Standard # as of 01/2006), Pink Book 2008
04/20/ Major Working Group Task for 2009 Complete design/development/testing of ODM Prototypes File prototyping test report Petition the CESG and CMC for progression from Pink Book to Blue Book WE ARE VERY CLOSE!!! Other desirable work Agency/Operator infusion (implementation) Remaining Work for “ODM Blue 2.0”
04/20/ Navigation Data Messages / XML Spec Describes an integrated XML schema set for encoding the ADM, ODM, and TDM Directive to put Navigation WG Recommendations into XML format came from CMC ~2002 Work started 05/2004, became Red Book 11/2005 (prematurely) One Agency Review process completed, <10 RID’s received, dispositioned, and added to NDM/XML as applicable Second agency review yet to be scheduled Current level is Red Book 1.5.2; compatible with ODM 1.0 and Pink 1.1, ADM 1.0, TDM 1.0 Plan to progress to Blue Book by EOY 2009 (was 2008)
04/20/ Major Working Group task for 2009 Complete ODM Blue Book 2.0 (TC20/SC14 updates) Complete Agency Review #2 (not yet scheduled) Create prototyping plan Complete design/development/testing of NDM/XML Prototypes File prototyping test report Petition the CESG and CMC for progression from Red Book to Blue Book Other desirable work Agency infusion (implementation) Remaining Work for “NDM/XML Blue”
04/20/ Tracking Data Message Standard message format for exchanging tracking data TDM supports widely used tracking data types: Ground-based radiometrics: Doppler, range, angle, ΔDOR Ancillary information (e.g., meteorological, media delays) Extensible to future types (e.g., SC-to-SC Doppler/range) Work started 10/2003, became Blue Book 11/2007 Infusion in progress at ESA, NASA/JPL, and ISRO; DLR has a prototype implementation Other desirable work Further agency infusion
04/20/ Attitude Data Messages Two standard message formats for exchanging spacecraft attitude descriptions Attitude Parameter Message (APM) specifies an attitude state at epoch, and includes spacecraft properties, maneuvers, descriptive metadata; must be propagated Attitude Ephemeris Message (AEM) specifies a series of attitude states at multiple epochs, descriptive metadata, allows modelling of any number of torques Work started ~2003, became Blue Book 05/2008 Infusion in progress at NASA/GSFC Other desirable work Further agency infusion (implementation)
04/20/ Navigation Data Definitions and Conventions Contains technical material related to the Navigation Working Group Recommendations Non-normative document Has a different development process (all internal to the working group, with CESG approval) Work started early in the history of the Navigation WG Most recent edition of the Green Book was published 11/2005 Current level is Green 2.0, starting on 3.0 Several updates to this document are in order (more attitude info, covariance matrices, TLE overview, mean elements overview, range units description) Recent work has been lower in priority than the normative documents, but supports them
04/20/ Useful Web Sites/Contacts Web Sites – general web site of the then choose the “MOIMS-NAV” tab on the far left menu Address
04/20/ Acronyms and Abbreviations ADMAttitude Data Message CCSDSConsultative Committee on Space Data Systems CESGCCSDS Engineering Steering Group CMCCCSDS Management Council ΔDORDelta Differential One-Way Ranging ISOInternational Organization for Standardization MOIMSMission Operations & Information Mgmt Services NDMNavigation Data Messages ODMOrbit Data Message OEMOrbit Ephemeris Message OMMOrbit Mean-Elements Message OPMOrbit Parameter Message TDMTracking Data Message XMLeXtensible Markup Language
04/20/ Q&A ???