The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance Daily Learning Goal: I can track the rise of the Medici in Florence on a video through form notes. Warm up: Identify 1. Linear Perspective and 2. Vanishing Point for the image
Florence and the Renaissance What do you notice about the division of Italy during the Renaissance? Where is Florence located in Italy? Why would this location make Florence an important location for the Renaissance?
Background - The Medici of Florence During the Renaissance, city-states were relatively small compared to kingdoms/empires, which allowed more individuals to have the ability to participate in the government. The Medici were a wealthy banking family in the city-state of Florence. The Medici had gained a great deal of this wealth by being the bankers for the Papal States – the areas ruled by the Catholic Church. The Medici had banks throughout Italy and Europe. This would allow them to not only build their wealth, but also to create contacts and gain influence throughout the continent.
The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance – Part I 1.As you watch, see how the Medici rose from poverty and insignificance. 2.Why were art and architecture so important to the rise of the Medici? 3.In what ways are accepted beliefs challenged?
Daily Learning Goal: I can track the rise of the Medici in Florence on a video through form notes. Warm up: 1. Who created the dome of the Florence Cathedral? 2. Where did this artist draw his inspiration from?
The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance – End of Part I 1.What answers do you have to the focusing questions? 2.What do you think will happen to Cosimo? 3.What do you have questions about? 4.What do you like about the way the film presents the information?
The Medici – Closing Questions What was unique about Cosimo, Brunelleschi, and Florence? How did Cosimo, Brunelleschi, and Florence contribute to the birth of the Renaissance? What problems do you foresee for the Medici family? Why? In what ways does our society discourage or punish people for thinking, believing, and acting differently from the majority?