Welcome to the Key Stage 3 Parent Forum
House System Head of House Mrs Downes Head of House Mr Valentine Head of House Mrs Turner Head of House Miss Dodd Assistant Head of House Miss Woodward Assistant Head of House Miss Humphreys Assistant Head of House Mrs Venables Assistant Head of House Mr Pierpoint Tutors DeercoteHazelsladeKingsley Oldacre Year 7 Mrs Appleby-Towers
Head of House Responsible for KS3 Miss Dodd Data tracking for every student in all their subjects in year 7, 8 and 9. End of every term (three times through the academic year) Recognising Progress and Achievement with rewards certificates, letters home, E Praise Points. Recognising areas of concern and putting action plans in place with review meetings to follow. Concerns with progress and soft data (behaviour, effort and homework) across most/ all subjects then a Pupil Support Plan (PSP) will be arranged. SEN team may need to be notified or become aware of concerns raised by teachers and myself and further investigations will happen by the SENCO Jane Byrne. Outside agencies involved to support the student will involve a Caring Around the Family (CAF), e.g. Bereavement Services, Autism Outreach, (CAMHS), School Nurse and Police involvement.
Head of House Pastoral Care Behaviour tracking Attendance and Punctuality tracking Uniform concerns Assemblies in House and Year Groups KS3 Presentation Awards and KS3 Data Tracking Miss Dodd House Day Sports Day Responsible for Year 9 Options Mr Valentine Responsible for Prefects, Council Meetings and School Prom Mrs Turner Responsible for KS4 Data Tracking and Mentoring Mrs Downes Responsible for Year 7 Transition and Head of year 7 Mrs Appleby-Towers
Pastoral Support System Head of House Assistant Head of House Tutor Team & Subject Teachers Behaviour Management & Attendance Officer SEN and Outside Agencies Mrs Campbell Pastoral Support Officer Mrs Lunn Pastoral Support Officer
House system Prefects and House Captains, head Boy/Girl, Arts and Sports Captains. Competitions Peer Mentors Support emotional and social (Mr Stokes responsible) School Council Representatives House Council Representatives Involvement in Extra Curriculum Activities
Communication Pathways Linked to Subject Head of Department and TelephoneSchool Diary Subject Teachers and TelephoneSchool Diary Tutors and TelephoneSchool Diary
Communication Pathway Linked to Pastoral Care Assistant Head Teacher and telephoneSchool Diary Head of House and TelephoneSchool Diary Tutor and TelephoneSchool Diary
Home-School Communication Long and short reports published on SLG Group Text and s + letters Website General address – Staff s addresses:
General Enquires Parent Gateway (SLG) Parents' Evenings Parent Forums Reports Parent Governors School Website Requests covered by FOI and DPA or Telephone on:
Reports Long and Short Reports published on SLG Short reports (one per term) Show Negotiated target grades, Working at levels, soft data (behaviour, effort and homework), Categorised into: E = exceptional, G = Good S = Satisfactory but could be better, R = Requires Improvement, attendance and punctuality information and achievement and behaviour points. Long reports show the information above but also contain a written comment and targets/strategies to improve from class teacher Parents need a login to get this information – address is:
Data Tracking Progress Reg Group House Class Gifted/Talented Pupil Premium Indicator KS3 NegT Y7 KS3 WAL Y7 Spring Behaviour Y7 Summer Effort Y7 Summer Homework Y7 Summer KS3 WAL Y7 Summer 7.4Oldacre7T4/Ar 14/15 5c EEG 5b 7.4Oldacre7T4/En 14/15 6c5aE EE 7.4Oldacre7T4/Fr 14/15 4a4c GG E 7.4Oldacre7T4/Ge 14/15 5a EEE 7.4Oldacre7T4/Hi 14/15 5b5aEEG 7.4Oldacre7T4/It 14/15 4a5cEEE5b 7.4Oldacre71/Ma1S 14/15 6a6cGGG 7.4Oldacre7T4/Mu 14/15 4a4bEEn/a4a 7.4Oldacre71/Pe5 14/15 4b4cEEn/a4b 7.4Oldacre7T4/Re 14/15 4b4cEEE4a 7.4Oldacre71/Sc1 14/15 5b5aEEE6a 7.4Oldacre73/Te1 14/15 5b5cEEE
Head of House Any questions please feel free to speak to me at the end of the session.