The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society’s Career Lattice Project Neal Eddy, Ph.D. Vice President for Learning and Strategic Integration
The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Nation’s largest non-profit long-term care and senior housing organization 240 facilities - 25 states - 24,000 staff - 28,000 residents Began in 1923 Mission
CNA Lattice Areas Apprenticeship Model Level 1 – CNA, months OJT 34 hours related training Level 1 – CNA, months OJT 34 hours related training CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING Level 2 – CNA, Advanced 3-5 months OJT 72 hours related training CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED TRAINING Level 3 SPECIALIZATIONS GERIATRICS: 3-5 months OJT 88 hours related training DEMENTIA CARE: 3-5 months OJT 72 hours related training RESTORATIVE: 3-5 months OJT 80 hours related training MENTOR: 3-5 months OJT 68 hours related training CERTIFICATE OF SPECIALIZATION: Geriatrics, Dementia Care or Restorative CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY (Mentor) CERTIFICATE OF APPRENTICESHIP COMPLETION For any level 3 completed =
CNA Lattice Apprenticeship Model n COMPETENCE Demonstrated on the job with trained mentor support Completed at own pace with individualized learning plans n RELATED TRAINING Specific to job skills Provided in variety of formats to incorporate adult learner strategies ò Distance Learning Network broadcasts ò Self-study modules
CNA Lattice - Current Status n 5 state pilot n 34 GSS Centers at various stages of enrollment n 20 mentors in place for CNA, 1 apprentices n 130 additional apprentices to enroll by August n Interest from other states - Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Arizona n Intent to expand to all GSS sites in 25
WHY APPRENTICESHIP in Good Samaritan Society? n Supports performance based learning n Supports GSS Learning Paths of needed competencies for specific jobs n Pipeline for “Growing our Own” - AD RN n Provides career paths n Related training is specific to needed skills
WHY APPRENTICESHIP in Good Samaritan Society? n Provides mentor support for apprentices n Provides national certification through U.S. Department of Labor apprenticeship registration n Enhances links with One-stops for recruitment of workers
WHY APPRENTICESHIP in Good Samaritan Society? n Allows employees to “earn and learn” n Decreases staff turnover & associated costs n Provides a career lattice that channels employees into needed positions n Improves quality of care n Increases customer satisfaction
Good Samaritan Future with Apprenticeships n Expand lattice specialty areas for CNAs – medication aides – palliative care (end of life) n Management certificates – specific to positions in need of additional training and/or high turnover – provide career path for employees n Applying apprenticeship model to support orientation of new employees