The Research-Focused Classroom
Background Benefits: – Better critical thinking – Inquiry – Increased problem solving skills – Communication Barriers – Financial – Facilities – Time commitments – Student apprehension
Institutional challenges Core curriculum: 112 semester hours, bio majors get 36 more= 148 sem hrs Daily schedule – 7:30AM-4PM – 4PM-5PM intramurals/practice – 8PM-11PM academic call to quarters Typical graduating class: 60% pilot, 30% non-tech Faculty (the 90:10 rule): teaching, administration, lab prep, & military supervisory duties military training academics physical conditioning
Classroom research: leveraging for success Bio 480, Applied Ecology (2000) & Bio 464, Molecular Biology (2002) Recruit fellow faculty Discuss research approach upfront, provide list of projects (3-4), not a cookbook, students responsible for learning Small projects: students must see they can complete in one semester Timing: – OJT in first half semester – Project and more OJT (as req’d) second half – Use of timelines and goal setting
31 January (T8) 28 February (T18) 22 March (Spring Break) 30 April (T36) May (Conference) Determine name for project Develop standards for testing Have information on Salmon Location caught Farm vs wild Further testing and evaluation Further analysis Finalize poster (or write up if unsuccessful results) Finalize accuracy of standards Obtain sample tissue Albertson’s & Whole Food Begin testing digestion process Does this way work? Finalize digestion process Obtain more sample tissue Begin ICP Analysis Accurate? Begin analysis of data Relevant or not? Begin poster (or write up) Wrap-up of data Final touches added to poster (or write up) Attend conferenceAttend conference Timeline of Projected Progress for 499: C1C Kristen Bird (Spring 2007) Timelines help students with goal setting
Proper motivation keeps students on track
Increase in independent research enrollment attributed to classroom research experience = NOT related to classroom experience; = enrolled as result of classroom research experience Indirect benefit: our research program grew!
Growth of research programs as a result of classroom experience Increase in independent research enrollment attributed to classroom research experience = NOT related to classroom experience; = enrolled as result of classroom research experience
Assessment: student performance Project is 30-40% of final grade Grade not based upon research findings but how students began to act like scientists We looked for behaviors indicating critical thinking – Synthesis – Generalization to other studies – Pros/cons of strategies – Problem-solving – Data analysis
Assessment: Presentations Conferences are used to assess the rigor of our program to other schools Classroom presentations (Field Ecology) Regional undergraduate conferences 60 – 80 % of class enrolled in conferences – PI supported (~$1K annually) – Dean/Alum supported (~$5K annually)
Generalizations to other disciplines If you’d like to get something done in your discipline, have your students take part – Sacrifice course content – Gain in critical thinking, analysis, problem solving skills Make it worth their efforts: significant point value Devote class time to the project/paper/idea