Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases - TDWG Global Biodiversity Information Facility - GBIF National Evolutionary Synthesis Center - NESCent February 1-3, 2006 Durham, North Carolina, USA
February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUID Definition GUID system provides mechanisms to identify and access data objects
February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUID Main Characteristics 1.It has identifiers: Character strings associated with data objects Examples: GBIF and doi: /182 2.An identifier is persistent: it is permanently associated with the data object 3.An identifier is globally unique: It identifies a single data object uniquely within the system 4.Identifiers are actionable: Identifiers take to the data object. In other words, objects are locatable. 5.GUID system provides metadata about data objects.
February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUID Scope And that’s it!! Outside of scope of GUID System: Establishing relationships between objects. Query on properties other than ids Indexing services and data warehouses Discovery and harvest of data and metadata Etc. GUID identifiers: Are associated with data objects Identifiers are persistent Identifiers are globally unique Identifiers are actionable Take you to data and metadata
February 1-3, 2006 TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers Workshop (GUID-1) National Evolutionary Syntesis Center (NESCent) Durham, NC, USA GUID Outside of scope But still very important! Tackled by other groups ABCD, DarwinCore, NCD, SDD, TCS, TAG This group (and TAG) will provide guidelines for others to follow Outside scope of GUID system: Relationships between objects Query on other properties Indexing services and warehouses Discovery and harvest of data and metadata, etc