What is it? Mortgage – The charging of real (or personal) property by a debtor, to a creditor as security for a debt (especially incurred by the purchase of property) on the condition that it shall be returned on payment of the debt within a certain period Investment Value Two components
Loan to Value Loan to Value = Mortgage Amount / Appraised Value of Property Banks typically require 75% LTV Prevention of sale Underwater Mortgage
Underwater Mortgages
Components of a Mortgage Components (APR and Amortization) Amortized depending on amount borrowed Typically amortized monthly
Types of Mortgages (and others)
Fixed Rate Mortgages Interest rate and your monthly payments remain fixed for the period of the loan Term is fixed Example
Adjustable Rate Mortgages Interest rate / monthly payments change overtime (period of loan) Changes based on defined index Index established at application New Interest Rate Margin Why adjustable rate?
Negatively Amortizing Loans Different payment structure Allows for smaller payments Deferred interest Contractual limit Recalculation
Fixed Period ARMs Same as ARM Fixed + Adjustable period After fixed period, adjusts based on index plus margin Subject to IR cap structure after fixed period
Convertible ARMs Similar to ARM Option to convert Usually charged fee Beneficial in certain circumstances
Option ARM No set payment Begin with initial payment 4 options after (hence the name…)
Buydown Mortgages Initial discount Builder or seller Lowers qualification
GPM Initial low rate Gradual increase Usually 7-12% annually Until desired rate reached
Structured Products What is a structured product? Highly Customized Returns derived from underlying not issuer’s cash flow Similar to other derivatives that we have discussed
Types of Securities ABS – Asset backed securities CMBS – Commercial mortgage backed security RMBS – Residential mortgage backed security MSR – Mortgage servicing rights
Benefits to Structured Products Diversification Liquidity More efficient markets (Lower Mortgage Rates)
U.S. Debt Market
Size of Securitized Products
Originator Mortgage originators Different types of originators Operational differences
Originator Continued Banks Internal aggregation Risk Mitigation Liability Transfer / Legality
Originator Continued Hedging Best efforts trade Smaller originators
Aggregator What is an aggregator? Next in line Close ties with WS
Aggregator Continued Re-origination Two Options Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) [GSE’s] Securitize into private label MBS [WS]
Aggregator Continued Hedging Timeline of hedging Entire pipeline Profiting
Mortgage Fallout Loans that do not close Why is this important? Fallout = Loans that do not close / Total Loans
Fallout Continued Hedge until mortgage closes Many loans do not end up closing Variety of reasons.. Selling into secondary market
Prepayment Risk Returning principal on loan early In bundle, accelerates cash flows of MBS Front-loads the mortgage cash flows (Principal and Interest)
Front Loading of Prepayments
Tranches Divided into different tranches Many different ways mortgages can be divided Interest rate, risk, maturity, etc.
Tranche Division
Risk and Hedging How are MBS’s hedged? IR Future MBS Option TBAs (Fallout)
Securities Dealers MBS sold to securities dealer Most WS firms have a desk for MBS Dealers wrap and bundle MBS Eventual outcome…
Mortgage to Security
MSR (Mortgage Servicing Rights) Servicing Rights Sold by lender Usually specializes in servicing
Investors End users of mortgages Types of investors Diverse yields GSE’s largest portfolio
Investor Breakdown
Refinancing Replaces older loan with new loan New payment scheme Usually involves a penalty fee
Subprime Low credit ratings (Below 600; 850 FICO is perfect) Not given conventional loan Higher IR Much higher risk
Predatory Lending Enticing borrower High fees High IR Strips equities Places borrower in lower credit rating (Charge higher IR) Foreclosing Strategies
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