QSO ABSORBER GALAXY ASSOCIATIONS FINDS THE KEYS AT THE LOWEST REDSHIFTS COLORADO GROUP: JOHN STOCKE, MIKE SHULL, STEVE PENTON, CHARLES DANFORTH, BRIAN KEENEY ALUMNI: MARK GIROUX ( ETSU ), JASON TUMLINSON ( YALE ), JESSICA ROSENBERG ( George Mason ), MARY PUTMAN ( MICHIGAN ), KEVIN McLIN ( Sonoma State ) ELSEWHERE: RAY WEYMANN ( NIRVANA ), J. VAN GORKOM ( COLUMBIA ), CHRIS CARLLI ( NRAO ) Results based on: > 300 QSO ABSORBERS found by HST Spectrographs at z <0.1 and at low column densities (N H I = —16.5 cm -2 ) AND >1.35 Million galaxy locations and redshifts from the CfA galaxy redshift survey, 2DF/6DF, SLOAN Digital Sky Spectroscopic Survey (DR-6), FLASH & others, including our own pencil-beam surveys
SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL RESULTS COSMIC BARYON CENSUS: Ly baryon = 29 4 % (most of the mass is in N HI < cm -2 absorbers) ASSOCIATION WITH GALAXIES? 78% LOCATED IN SUPERCLUSTER FILAMENTS; 22% IN VOIDS. STRONGER absorbers at N H I > cm -2 are more closely ASSOCIATED WITH GALAXIES; WEAKER absorbers are more UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED in space. b (voids) / b = 4.5 ±1.5% AS PREDICTED BY SIMULATIONS (Gottlober et al 2003). Metallicity < 1.5% Solar (Stocke et al. 2007, ApJ, in press; Dec 20 issue) At least 55% of all Ly α absorbers with N H I > cm -2 are METAL-BEARING at ~ 10% SOLAR. A typical galaxy filament is covered >50% by metal-enriched gas Metal-bearing absorbers show spread of metals of 150—800h kpc from the nearest L* galaxy (23 absorbers in complete sample) and 50—450 h kpc from the nearest 0.1L* galaxy (9 absorbers in complete sample) based on OVI and CIII (C IV, Si III accounting in progress) For details see PENTON et al. (2000a,b, 2002, 2004) ApJ (Ly alpha absorbers) and STOCKE et al. (2006) ApJ 641, 217. (OVI absorbers)
Impact Parameters Required to reproduce the Observed OVI dN/dz (covering factor = 0.5; all galaxies of luminosity > L contribute) Sample Sizes = 23 9 (of metal-enriched absorbers) Figure from Tumlinson & Fang 2005 ApJL 623, L97 as added to by Shull, this conference
Do Starburst Winds Escape ? (Brian Keeney, PhD dissertation) Dwarf galaxies may play a larger role in the chemical evolution of the intergalactic medium than their more massive counterparts. Galaxy Luminosity D gal-abs Wind Milky Way ~0.8 L* 5-12 kpc Bound NGC L* 11 kpc Bound IC L* 35 kpc Unbound 3C 273 Dwarf L* 70 kpc Unbound
``CLOSE-UP’’ OF A LYMAN LIMIT SYSTEM: 3C232/NGC 3067 OPTICAL IMAGE WITH HI 21cm CONTOURS (Carilli & van Gorkom 1992 ApJ 399, 373 ) C 232 z=0.533; Absorber has N HI = 1 x cm -2 and T spin = 500 ± 200 K (Keeney et al ApJ 622, 267) NGC 3067 cz=1465 km/s 0.5L* edge-on Sb galaxy star formation rate = 1.4 Solar masses yr -1 HST GHRS NEAR-UV SPECTRA (Tumlinson et al AJ 118, 2148). Three distinct metal line cz = 1370 km/s 1420 km/s (H I 21cm Absorber) 1530 km/s Each system contains: NaI, CaII, MgI, MgII, FeII, MnII + CIV and SiIV.
3C 232 / NGC 3067 Velocity field suggests H I 21 cm cloud to be infalling (v rad = 115 km/s) unless the halo gas is counter-rotating. Reproduced from Carilli & van Gorkom, 1992, ApJ, 399, 373. NGC C 232 H I 21 cm velocity contours Metals from Na I D to C IV are observed with the same 3 velocity components, but H I is only detected in one. Reproduced from Tumlinson et al. 1999, AJ, 118, Reproduced from Keeney et al. 2005, ApJ, 622, 267. H I 21 cm
NGC 3067 H I Absorber N HI = 1.0 x cm 2 T spin = 500 ± 200 K T kin = 380 ± 30 K R(Galactocentric)= 11 kpc Cloud Size = 5 kpc Z > 0.25 Z UV f esc < 2% Galactic HVCs N HI > 2 x cm 2 T spin > 200 K R(Galactocentric) < 40 kpc Cloud Size = 3 20 kpc Z = 0.08 0.35 Z UV f esc = 1-2% Keeney et al (2005) Putman et al (2003) Tumlinson et al (1999) Akeson & Blitz (1999) Collins, Shull, & Giroux (2004) Hulsbosch & Wakker (1988) Lyman Limit Systems as HVC Analogs
The Milky Way’s Nuclear Wind Reproduced from Keeney et al. 2006, ApJ, 646, 951.
Milky Way Wind: Bound at 12 kpc PKS 2005 489 Absorbers v lsr = 105± ±10 km/s v w = 250± ±20 km/s v esc = +560± ±90 km/s z obs = 4.9±0.2 5.8±0.2 kpc z max = 10.8±0.9 12.5±1.0 kpc Mrk 1383 Absorbers v lsr = +46±7 +95±11 km/s v w = +30±10 +90±15 km/s v esc = +530± ±90 km/s z obs = +11.7± ±0.3 kpc z max = +12.6± ±0.1 kpc All four absorbers reach comparable maximum heights (|z max | 12.5 kpc) in the Galactic gravitational potential They were ejected from the Galactic center with comparable energies. These high-velocity absorbers have similar ionization states and metallicities as highly-ionized HVCs (although we need to look w/ CHANDRA).
Dwarf Galaxy Winds 3C 273 / L* Dwarf SBS / IC 691 (0.06 L*) Dwarf galaxies produce unbound winds! Reproduced from Stocke et al. 2004, ApJ, 609, 94. Reproduced from Keeney et al. 2006, AJ, 132, 2496
SPECTRUM OF DWARF IS POST-STARBURST [Z]= -1±0.5; AGE=3.5±1.5 Gyrs Complete Blow Out then fading to become Dwarf Spheroidal? “Cheshire Cat Galaxy” (Charlton, 1995)
3C 273 Absorber cz= 1586 ± 5 km/s N HI = 7 x cm 2 n = 1.4 x 10 3 cm 3 Shell thickness = 70 pc Shell mass < 10 8 M (if centered on dwarf) [Fe/H] = 1.2 [Si/C] = +0.2 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy cz = 1635 ± 50 km/s b= 71 h 70 kpc m B = 17.9 M B = 13.9 L ~ 6 x 10 7 L ~ L* M HI < 3 x 10 6 M [Fe/H] = 1 Mean Stellar Age = 2-5 Gyrs STARBURST(S) totaling > 0.3 M yr for ~10 8 yrs at a time 2-5 Gyrs ago had sufficient SN energy to expel > 3 X 10 7 M of gas at km s to ~100 kpc and so create the 3C 273 absorber. 3C 273 Absorber/Galaxy Connections
SBS / IC 691 ABSORBER/GALAXY CONNECTIONS IC 691 SDSS J cz gal = 1202 ± 5 km/s Cz abs(CIV) = 1110 ± 50 km/s M HI = (4.1 ± 0.1) x 10 7 M v esc (D > 33 kpc) 35 km/s IC 691: H I 21 cm
Observational Goals Include: Massive Starburst Galaxy Winds (3 QSO/galaxy pairs) Dwarf and LSB Galaxy winds (6 QSO/galaxy pairs) Normal Luminous Galaxy Halos (3 QSOs around one L* galaxy) “Cosmic Tomography” of the Great Wall (6 QSO sightlines in 30 Mpc 2 region BL Lac Targets to search for Broad Lyα (7 targets totaling Δz 1.5) Bright, long pathlength targets (entire GTO target set yields Δz 15) COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH: TO BE INSTALLED DURING SERVICING MISSION #4 IN AUGUST 2008
WHAT WILL BE DONE WHEN THE ``COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH’’ IS INSTALLED NEXT YEAR ON HST he Extent, Metallicity and Kinematics of a Normal, Luminous (~L*) Spiral Galaxy Using multiple QSO sightlines
Does our Universe have the BLAs (Broad Lyα Absorbers)? (Lehner et al ApJ 658, 680) 7 sightlines 341 Lyα absorbers with total pathlength Δz=2.06 # of BLAs # confirmed # confirmed but not confirmed (b > 40 km/s) as BLAs narrower as absorbers But: It is well-known that b < b (Lyα) due to streaming and turbulent motions in absorbers (Shull et al. 2000, ApJL 538, L13; Danforth et al ApJ, 640, 716) For Lehner et al. sample we have curve-of-growth b-values for 20 absorbers with b(Lyα) > 40 and find =0.61, so that for absorbers truly at T > 10 5 : b (Lyα) > 65 km/s, for which, the Lehner et al. absorber numbers become: BLAs do NOT add significantly to Cosmic Baryon census.
Examples of a contentious and an uncontentous BLA in the HE spectrum
MEDIAN DISTANCE TO NEAREST > 0.1L* GALAXY Sample Distance in Sample Name h kpc Size L* Galaxies : O VI Absorbers : Stronger half Ly Sample : Weaker half Ly Sample : Simulations of WHIM GAS : 200 Dave’ et al Simulations of Photo-ionized Gas: 1200 (1999) Data from Stocke et al ApJ 641, 217