What is Science?
Science is A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning. This information can grow and change as new ideas are explored. Scientific Inquiry refers to the various organized methods of investigating problems and answering questions.
Pure Science Involves gathering information or the discovery of a pattern. When that information is applied to some use, it becomes technology.
Technology The practical use of scientific information.
Major Categories Science is divided into many categories: Life Science Earth Science Physical Science Physical science is the study of matter and energy. Two branches: physics and chemistry You will study what makes up matter and how it behaves.
Finding out… solving problems. The problem is a situation in which something appears to be missing.
Solve the problem Look for a pattern – did this happen before? Solving the problem – check out everything that could be a possibility. (appliance plugged in) Plan a strategy – break the problem down into smaller simpler steps. Think critically!!!
Critical Thinking Using certain skills to solve a problem.
Scientific Method! Ask questions Make observations and inferences Develop hypotheses Conduct experiments Draw a conclusion
Be Curious… Observation – involves all 5 senses Data – are facts, figures, other evidence collected during the experiment. Inference – is a logical interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge
Hypothesis Hypothesis is a possible explanation for observations that relate to a scientific question. A hypothesis must be testable by observation or experiment.
Test the hypothesis Do the experiment which is an organized procedure for testing the hypothesis. Collect Data Interpret Data Draw conclusions Communicate the information Develop a theory – a well tested idea that explains and connects a wide range of observations. Law is a statement that describes what will happen every time under a particular set of conditions.
Drawing the conclusion Control is a standard for comparison This is the constant factor that doesn’t change or vary in the experiment.
Design a controlled experiment MManipulated or independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes. DDependent variable is expected to change due to the independent variable. CControlled experiment is an investigation in which all variables remain the same except for one.
Steps to watch Determine the problem Make a hypothesis Test your hypothesis Analyze the results Draw conclusions